ISWI Newsletter - Vol.3 No.67
08 July 2011

Dear ISWI Participant:

Among the major instrument arrays of ISWI is the "SID/SuperSID Array". Germany has operated SIDs for many years and implements the SIMONE Project: "Project SIMONE (Solar & Ionospheric - MOnitoring NEtwork)".

Attached is a brief report (5 pages, in English) on SIMONE project and a very detailed report (37 pages, in German) on the same.

The Germans are attempting an English translation of the detailed report but this may take some time. Mr. Eckelt, a physics and mathematics teacher, has done great work with the SID signal recording and analysis.

Stanford University has a website particularly dedicated to display SID/SuperSID signals in near real time:

Today's final comment :

I strongly encourage other ISWI instrument arrays to send their news to me for general circulation; to wit, your array is useless if people do not know about it and do not know what can be done with it. This newsletter can provide publicity for your array at no cost to you -- except the time to generate a slick report.

George Maeda,
Editor of ISWI Newsletter

Most cordially yours,
George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter
Hakozaki Campus, Kyushu University, Japan.


(1) Project SIMONE In English, 655 KB pdf, 5 pages, (click )

(2) Project SIMONE final, In German, 2 MB pdf, 37 pages, (click )

Webmaster Note:
If you want to see the project "SIMONE" website , click here. (in German)

If you want to read the original newsletter, click here.