Added on August 17, 2014
Updated on November 24, 2014;
on February 24, 2015; and on March 11, 2015
Twitter ICSWSE:
Workshop Programme (11 March 2015)
Update (March 23, 2015):
A Report to American Astronomical Society (Prof. Hans Haubold, March 16)
Update (March 31, 2015): All presentations are online (click here)
(17 August 2015) The final report
Websites of the Workshop UN WEB and
Publication Plan (Look below)
Group photos (Look below)
List of participants
View more photos and videos: Twitter ICSWSE
The United Nations Programme on Space Applications was established in 1971 to assist Member States with building capacity in the use and benefits of space technology and its applications and to promote international space cooperation.
When it was recognized that building capacity in space science was often a pre-requirement for developing and sustaining space technology and space application capabilities, the Basic Space Science Initiative (BSSI) was launched under the Programme on Space Applications in 1991. Initially the BSSI considered astronomy and astrophysics.
The International Heliophysical Year 2007 (IHY) drew scientists and engineers from around the globe in a coordinated observation campaign of the heliosphere and its effects on planet Earth. Building on these activities, the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space launched the International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI) in 2009.
ISWI is a program of international cooperation to advance space weather science by a combination of instrument deployment, analysis and interpretation of space weather data from these instruments in conjunction with space data, and the communication of the results to the public. While the ISWI was formally concluded in 2012, most of the activities continued beyond the formal end of the initiative. They contribute to the discussion under a new agenda item on Space Weather in the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.
The key function of the present Workshop is to follow-up on ISWI recommendations and to maintain the capacity building momentum established by IHY and ISWI.
This workshop will be conducted in parallel with other workshops, the primary one
being the 2015
3rd Workshop of AOSWA (Asia Oceania Space Weather Alliance), March 2015, Fukuoka, Japan
web address.
The objective of the Workshop is to provide a global forum for participants to discuss capacity building, global observation, and science/education on space weather, building on the achievements of the International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI).
The Workshop Programme will consist of a series of Sessions with technical presentations, panel discussions and working group meetings. Sessions will cover:
General Map of Fukuoka City (6 326KB PDF)
Dr. Nat Gopalswamy NASA, ISWI, SCOSTEP (SOC Chair)
Dr. Akimasa Yoshikawa Kyushu University, Japan (SOC Co-Chair)
Dr. Werner Balogh Office for Outer Space Affairs, United Nations (SOC Co-Chair)
Dr. Christine Amory France
Dr. Fairos Asillam ANGKASA, Malaysia
Dr. Vafi Doumbia l’University Felix Houphouлt-Boigny, Cote d’Ivoire
Dr. Madhulika Guhathakurta NASA HQ
Dr. Mamoru Ishii NICT, Japan
Dr. Jose Ishitsuka IGP, Peru
Dr. Ian Mann University of Alberta, Canada
Dr. P. K. Manoharan NCRA, India
Dr. Christian Monstein ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Dr. Takahiro Obara Tohoku University, Japan
Dr. Young-deuk Park KASI, Republic of Korea
Dr. Babatunde Rabiu NASRDA, Nigeria
Dr. Kazuo Shiokawa Nagoya University, Japan
Dr. Manuela Temmer University of Graz, Austria
Dr. Rami Vainio University of Turku, Finland
Dr. Kanya Kusano Nagoya University, Japan
Dr. Satoru Ueno Kyoto University, Japan
The Workshop Programme will consist of a series of Sessions with technical presentations, panel discussions and working group meetings. Sessions will cover:
The Workshop will be hosted by the International Center for Space Weather Science and Education ( ICSWSE, pronounced iku-sei) of Kyushu University, on behalf of the Government of Japan.
The Workshop is co-sponsored by the following organizations:
The papers to be presented at the UN/Japan Workshop on Space Weather: Science and Data Products from ISWI Instruments will be published in "Sun and Geosphere" as a special issue. The papers will undergo the usual peer-refereeing process and published in Volume 10, Number 2 of the Journal.
The submission deadline is June 30, 2015. Since we are planning to have the issue brought out within 2015, please adhere to the deadline. There is no page limit. On-line submission can be made starting June 1, 2015 at the web site: Detailed information on the manuscript preparation and submission can be found on this web site.
Kindly note that /Sun and Geosphere/ has published papers from previous ISWI workshops.