ISWI Newsletter - Vol.2 No.96
20 November 2010

Dear ISWI Participant:

This issue is "2010 ISWI Workshop #8."

(Tomorrow, in #9, I will send out the workshop Final Proceedings, which can be found on the workshop CD-ROM distributed at the end of the closing ceremony to workshop participants.)

The last day of the 1st ISWI Workshop was divided into two parts (AM and PM) :

AM: Each of the major instrument array providers summarized the sessions of their respective instrument arrays.

PM: Closing ceremony (in which the President of Helwan University participated).

I attach the summary report for the MAGDAS Project, which was presented by the Project PI (Prof. K. Yumoto, SERC, Kyushu Univ.).

I invite all instrument array providers to send to me a summary report (in pdf) so that I can distribute it to all concerned parties via this newsletter.

Cordially yours,
George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter
Hakozaki Campus, Kyushu University, Japan.


(1) "MAGDAS Session Summary Report" , 1.0 MB pdf, 16 pages, (click )

(2) "MAGDAS Session" 48 photos, 570 KB pdf, 1 page, (click )

If you want to read the original newsletter, click here.