ISWI Newsletter - Vol.7 No.09
01 May 2015

Dear ISWI Participant:

Lots of material in this issue! Many thanks to all the subscribers who sent in this material to the ISWI Newsletter. Much obliged to you all.

George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter



[2] UNINOVA-CA3 group at New University of Lisbon, Caparica, Portugal. Information from Slovak Central Observatory (read it)

[3] SCHOOL ON SPACE WEATHER, 16 - 21 February 2015 / CRASTE-LF/Rabat-Morocco (read it)

[4] The International Space Environment Service (ISES) (read it)

[5] First Announcement: ESA/JRC INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL ON GNSS 2015 (read it)

[6] Call for abstracts: European Space Weather Week (read it)

[7] Open Call for applicants for seven (7) four-year doctoral student positions at the University of Oulu, Finland (read it)

[8] CALLISTO status report/newsletter #56 (read it)

[9] International Geophysical Research Group Europe-Asia, newsletter #54 (read it)

[10] Two coordinated international efforts to identify solar signals in climate (read it)

Bells Univ. of Technology, Benja Village, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria 10 - 15 May 2015

Theme: The Use of Space Science for the Enhancement of the Studies of the Earth’s Surface Phenomena

Co-Organisers: Bells University of Technology, Ota, Centre for Atmospheric Research CAR, National Space Research and Development Agency NASRDA Atmospheric and Space Environment Research Network

more in these two files: (1) Annoucement link to document and (2) Application form link to document

(Sent in by B Rabiu)

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[2] UNINOVA-CA3 group at New University of Lisbon, Caparica, Portugal.

If you are searching for qualified researchers and engineers for your space weather project, please contact the UNINOVA-CA3 group at New University of Lisbon, Caparica, Portugal. The CA3 group joins together researchers with interests in the areas of Computational Intelligence, Intelligent Decision Systems and Intelligent Image Processing.

For more information please visit

Competence of the group is confirmed by 21 projects with ESA financing where the group participated as a partner. In general, CA3's application projects are focused on: AeroSpace, Biomedicine&Environment. Therefore, please recommend the UNINOVA-CA3 also to colleagues from other research fields .

Computational Intelligence Research Group (CA3)
of UNINOVA (Campus FCT/UNL, Caparica, Portugal)

(Sent in by Ivan Dorotovic)

More in Brochure Computational Intelligence Research Group, Caparica, Portugal link to document

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[3] SCHOOL ON SPACE WEATHER, 16 - 21 February 2015 / CRASTE-LF/Rabat-Morocco

This is a great school report. It provides a detailed accounting of where school funds came from. Excellent documentation.

Look at Report on SCHOOL ON SPACE WEATHER, 16-21 Feb. 2015/CRASTE-LF/Rabat-Morocco link to document

(Sent in by C. Amory)

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[4] The International Space Environment Service (ISES)

The International Space Environment Service (ISES) maintains the International Geophysical Calendar (IGC) which recommends dates for solar and geophysical observations which cannot be carried out continuously. The IGC has been issued annually since 1957. ISES is currently evaluating the need for such a product in the current scientific environment in which many instruments operate continuously. If you or your group use (or would like to use) the calendar, kindly contact Robyn Fiori (Robyn.Fiori[at] Please note that based on the response received to this announcement, ISES will evaluate whether or not this service should be discontinued.

Robyn Fiori, Ph. D.
Canadian Space Weather Forecast Centre
Natural Resources Canada
2617 Anderson Road, Ottawa ON K1A 0E7
Telephone: (613) 837-5137
Facsimile: (613) 824-9803
Government of Canada

contact address:   

(Sent in by Robyn Fiori)

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Barcelona, Spain, 31. August – 10. September 2015

in cooperation with Stanford University, Institut Supérieur de l’Aeronautique et de l’Espace (ISAE), Toulouse, Graz University of Technology, University FAF Münich

Local Organizer Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Read the Announcement: link to document

(Sent in by C. Amory)

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[6] Call for abstracts: TwelfthEuropean Space Weather Week, November, 23-27, 2015, Belgium
Session: "The role of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections in Space Weather".

We invite abstracts for Session 3 on "The role of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections in Space Weather", during the European Space Weather Week 12 (, to be held from 23 to 27 November 2015, in Belgium.

The abstract submission deadline is May 13.

Session description:

The study of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (ICMEs) has advanced greatly in the last few years thanks to multispacecraft observations and high performance numerical MHD simulations. The comparisons between models and observations are clarifying several problems, such as the effects of the ambient solar wind on their propagation and internal configuration, the link between ICMEs and non-thermal energetic particles in the heliosphere (solar, interplanetary, and galactic origin), etc. In this session we invite contributions based on models and/or observations of ICMEs, which can cover the ICME propagation in the heliosphere, the interaction of ICMEs with Earth and/or with other planets, the effects of ICMEs on energetic particles, as well as on other general topics linked with ICMEs in the heliosphere.

Conveners: Luciano Rodriguez and Sergio Dasso.

We hope to see you in Belgium!

(Sent in by Sergio Dasso)

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[7] The doctoral programme in Exact Sciences (Exactus-DP) invites applications for seven doctoral student positions for up to four years in 2016-2019.

Dear colleagues:

There is an open call for doctoral student positions at the University of Oulu, Finland. Among other fields, the exact sciences (mathematics + physics) doctoral program has 7 open positions. These positions are fully funded by the university for a 4-year period (2016-2019). Salary of the selected doctoral students will be in the range 1972-3601 euro/month, depending on personal achievement and performance. Application deadline is Friday 22 August 2015, and the positions are filled from January 1, 2016.

I'd appreciate if you would distribute this announcement and the attached flyer among possible candidates at your organization.

Call text of the exact sciences doctoral program and information about participating research groups are available at

General information and common application guidelines of the university of Oulu doctoral program are available at

best regards, Heikki

Dr. Heikki Vanhamaki
University of Oulu, Finland
Astronomy and space physics
email: heikki.vanhamaki[at]

correspondence address:   

(Sent in by Heikki Vanhamaki)

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[8] CALLISTO status report/newsletter #56 Look a it  link to document

(Sent in by C. Monstein)

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[9] International Geophysical Research Group Europe-Asia, newsletter #54

2015 UN/Japan Workshop on Space Weather is mentioned in this issue of Christine's News Letter !!!! She contributed quite a bit to this UN event; and receives a million thanks from the even host, ICSWSE (International Center for Space Weather Science and Education).

Christine mentions this (in quotes):
"More than thirty articles will be subject to special issue in preparation for the review Sun and Geosphere. Articles must be submitted by 30 June 2015."

If you plan to submit an article, please mark your calendar with this important date (30 June 2015).

Look at newsletter #54 link to document

(Sent in by C. Amory)

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[10] Two coordinated international efforts to identify solar signals in climate

Dear VarSITI colleagues,

I am forwaring a message from the S-RIP Co-leads and SolarMIP steering committee on the new model of the solar signals in climate, which is strongly related to the VarSITI activity particularly for ROSMIC.

Best regards, Kazuo Shiokawa

Recently there has been two coordinated international efforts to identify solar signals in climate (both the stratosphere and troposphere) in re-analyses and coupled climate models (CMIP-5). The reanalysis driven study is part of the Stratospheric Reanalysis Inter-comparison Project (S-RIP;, and the CMIP-5 analysis is part of the Solar Model Inter-comparison Project (SolarMIP; The papers are published open access, with further work ongoing. Any comments or suggestions are most welcome.

Kind Regards, The S-RIP Co-leads and SolarMIP steering committee.

***** S-RIP

Mitchell, D. M., Gray, L. J., Fujiwara, M., Hibino, T., Anstey, J. A., Ebisuzaki, W., Harada, Y., Long, C., Misios, S., Stott, P. A. and Tan, D. (2014), Signatures of naturally induced variability in the atmosphere using multiple reanalysis datasets. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. doi: 10.1002/qj.2492

***** SolarMIP

Mitchell, D. M., Misios, S., Gray, L. J., Tourpali, K., Matthes, K., Hood, L., Schmidt, H., Chiodo, G., Thieblemont, R., Rozanov, E., Shindell, D. and Krivolutsky, A. (2015), Solar signals in CMIP-5 simulations: the stratospheric pathway. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.
doi: 10.1002/qj.2530

Hood, L. L., Misios, S., Mitchell, D. M., Rozanov, E., Gray, L. J., Tourpali, K., Matthes, K., Schmidt, H., Chiodo, G., Theblemont, R., Shindell, D. and Krivolutsky, A. (2015), Solar signals in CMIP-5 simulations: the ozone response. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
doi: 10.1002/qj.2553

Misios, S., Mitchell, D. M., Gray, L. J., Tourpali, K., Matthes, K., Hood, L., Schmidt, H., Chiodo, G., Theblemont, R., Rozanov, E., Shindell, D. and Krivolutsky, A. (2015), Solar signals in CMIP-5 simulations: Effects of atmosphere-ocean coupling. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society in review.

(Sent in by Kazuo Shiokawa)

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**************[ End of this issue of the ISWI Newsletter ]******************

(1) Annoucement for INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SPACE WEATHER AND EARTH'S SURFACE PHENOMENA 65 KB pdf, two pages (click link to document)

(2) Application form for the INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SPACE WEATHER AND EARTH'S SURFACE PHENOMENA 114 KB pdf, one page (click link to document)

(3) Brochure Computational Intelligence Research Group, Caparica, Portugal 1 043 KB pdf, two pages (click link to document)

(4) Report on SCHOOL ON SPACE WEATHER, 16 - 21 February 2015 / CRASTE-LF/Rabat-Morocco 1 400 KB pdf, 20 pages (click link to document)

(5) First Announcement: ESA/JRC INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL ON GNSS 2015 548 KB pdf, one page (click link to document)

(6) CALLISTO status report/newsletter #56 947 KB pdf, 10 pages (click link to document)

(7) IGRGEA LETTER No4 APRIL 2015 2 743 KB pdf, 3 pages (click link to document)

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