Dear ISWI Participant:
The most important item in this issue is No. 5. It is about the UN/United States ISWI workshop in Boston at the end of this month. You can download the program and the Book of Abstracts for this event.
[1] 2017 Space Weather Enterprise Forum (read it)
[2] Report from Kazakhstan, 2016 (read it)
[3] Report from Indonesia, 2016 (read it)
[4] Report from Philippines, 2016 (read it)
[5] UN/US International Space Weather Initiative Workshop (read it)
[6] IGRGEA (International Geophysical Research Group Europe-Africa) LETTER No. 58 JUNE 2017 (read it)
[7] The New York Times article "Solving the Scorching Mystery of the Sun's Erupting Plasma Jets" (read it)
[8] Visitors to the ISWI website (read it)
[1] 2017 Space Weather Enterprise Forum
2017 Space Weather Enterprise Forum took place
on June 27, 2017, in the National Transportation
Safety Board Conference Center, Washington, D.C.
Send by N. Gopalswamy
[2] Olga Kryakunova Annual Report of ISWI Related Activities in Kazakhstan for 2016
During 2016 monitoring of key parameters for space weather were carried out utilizing Kazakhstan's multi-level system measurements to provide diagnostics of the state of the near- Earth space environment and database updates. Results of space environment monitoring are accessible via the web-site of the Institute of Ionosphere ( in real time. Kazakhstan's multi-level system measurements include an experimental setup for recording of cosmic ray intensity by using a neutron monitor … …
Send by Olga Kryakunova
[3] Dhani Herdiwijaya Brief Annual Report of International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI) 2016 – Indonesia
In Indonesia, solar physical activities and space weather monitoring have been established by two institutions at Bosscha Observatory, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN). Altough they have different organizational history, vision, mission, goals, and funding, space weather becomes a focal point to be addressed and collaborated. ITB is a prominent university in Indonesia which provides, the only one, undergraduate and graduate programs in astronomy and astrophysics, since October 18, 1951. LAPAN is a research government institution, established on November 27, 1963. We pointed some activities for both institutions as follow … …
Send by Dhani Herdiwijaya
[4] 2016 ISWI Report by the Philippines
Two AMBER (African Meridian B-field Education and Research) magnetometers were installed in the Philippines. … …
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[5] UN/US Workshop on the International Space Weather Initiative The Decade after the International Heliophysical Year 2007 July 31÷ August 4, 2017, Boston College, Boston, US
Workshop Program & Book of Abstracts can be downloaded from the workshop website, which is
Note: Both of the above are still subject to change. Please have a look again as the opening of the workshop gets near.
From the workshop website:This workshop marks the 10th anniversary of the International Heliophysical Year, which led to the genesis of the International Space Weather Initiative. It is organized jointly by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Institute for Scientific Research at Boston College to highlight the achievements made over the past ten years and to show-case the worldwide development of science, capacity building, and outreach.
The workshop will begin with a high level international forum on the economic and societal effects of extreme space weather. This forum will include keynote speakers from major international organizations and governments followed by panel sessions to discuss issues and policies for acknowledging space weather as a global challenge.
The workshop is also held in preparation for UNISPACE+50 in 2018, the 50th anniversary of the first UN Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNISPACE), held in Vienna in 1968.
These three components of the workshop will help develop a coherent international policy towards an appropriate response to space weather.
Send by Pat Doherty
[6] IGRGEA Letter N058 June 2017
At the end of the IEEY (International Equatorial Electrojet Year), in 1995, IGRGEA (International Geophysical Research Group Europe Africa) has been organized to follow the research work initiated during IEEY, in 1992. Since January 2003 IGRGEA has been established at the Institute of Geophysics in Hanoi, Vietnam. … …
Send by C. Amory
[7] The New York Times article "Solving the Scorching Mystery of the Sun's Erupting Plasma Jets"
For more details see:
Webmaster note: It is better to view this article directly from the site (click here)
Send by George Maeda
[8] Map of Visitors to in period of two weeks
This map shows the geographical position of the visitors to the ISWI website between 13 June 2017 and 27 June 2017
Send by Mitko Danov
(1) Nat Gopalswami The ISWI A Global Partnership in Creating a Space‒Weather Awareness
1 166 KB pdf, one page (click )
(2) Olga Kryakunova Annual Report of ISWI Related Activities in Kazakhstan for 2016
205KB, 3 pages (click )
(3) Dhani Herdiwijaya Brief Annual Report of International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI) 2016 – Indonesia 24KB pdf, one page (click )
(4) 2016 ISWI Report by the Philippines 334KB pdf, one page (click )
(5) IGRGEA Letter N058 June 2017 875KB pdf, 3 pages (click )
(6) snapshot from The New York Times website "Solving the Scorching Mystery of the Sun's Erupting Plasma Jets" 644KB pdf, 8 pages (click )
(7) Map of Visitors to in period of two weeks 234KB pdf, one page (click )
(8) Program of UN/US Workshop on ISWI, July 31÷August 4, 2017, Boston, US 7 534 KB pdf, 15 pages (click )
(9) Abstract Book of UN/US Workshop on ISWI, July 31÷August 4, 2017, Boston, US
1 750 KB pdf, 141 pages (click )
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