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[1] CALLISTO status report/newsletter #69 (read it)
[2] Observation of Solar Radio Waves by CALLISTO Radio Spectrometer in new CALLISTO station (read it)
[1] CALLISTO status report/newsletter #69
Send by C. Monstein
[2] Natsuki Tsuda, Satoshi Nozawa Observation of Solar Radio Waves by CALLISTO Radio Spectrometer in Ibaraki University
AbstractIn the Sun, sudden explosion phenomena called solar flare occur and characteristic electromagnetic waves are emitted, but details of radiation mechanisms are not known. There are 5 types of solar radio bursts cause of solar flare, classified from time change of radio waves.
Solar radio type-III bursts appear in several kilo hertz to several giga hertz frequencies and they are characterized by a rapid frequency drift from high to low frequencies. These radio waves are emitted by high energy electron streams accelerated by solar flare. In Ibaraki University, we observe solar radio waves by CALLISTO radio spectrometer and meter wave band log-periodic antenna to understand generating progress of high energy electrons from solar flare.
C8 class flare occurred in April 2nd, 2017 and we succeeded in the observation of solar radio type-III burst from this flare. This successful observation is the first observation using CALLISTO in Japan. Now we will analyze the data and compare with the data acquired at other observatories.
Send by Natsuki Tsuda
(1) CALLISTO status report/newsletter #69 618 KB pdf, 6 pages (click )
(2) Natsuki Tsuda, Satoshi Nozawa Observation of Solar Radio Waves by CALLISTO Radio Spectrometer
in Ibaraki University 1 456 KB pdf, 7 pages (click )
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