ISWI Newsletter - Vol.9 No.12
18 September 2017

Dear ISWI Participant:

Do you have any scholarship or post-doc announcements? Please send to me for distribution.

George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter


[1] Update on SuperSID -- A collaboration of Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA) and Standford Solar Center (read it)

[2] CALLISTO status report/newsletter #70 (read it)

[3] Socioeconomic Study on the Impact of Space Weather on Canadian Infrastructure (RFP) (read it)

[1] Update on SuperSID

Collaboration of Society of
Amateur Radio Astronomers
and Stanford Solar Center

Stanford provides data hosting, database programming, and maintains the SuperSID website

Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA) sells the SuperSID monitors for 48 USD to amateur radio astronomers and the funds are then used to support free distribution to students all over the world (image below as of Fall 2017)

Keith Payea at SARA is responsible for building and shipping the SuperSID monitor kits: SuperSID[at]

SuperSID kits may be ordered through the SARA SuperSID webpage:

Questions about the SuperSID project may be directed to Steve Berl at Stanford: steveberl[at]

Jaap Akkerhuis at Stanford is responsible for the SuperSID software and SARA has provided financial support for his efforts

SuperSID website hosted by Stanford:

SuperSID database:

The data is searchable by time, station, date, and multiple plots may be placed on the same graph for comparison

Support also is provided through the Yahoo SuperSID group:

see the original message  link to document

Send by Whitham D. Reeve

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[2] CALLISTO status report/newsletter #70

Nice type II solar radio burst observed by 9 Callisto stations

Today, 2017-09-02 a C7.7 x-ray event was followed by a type II solar radio burst with almost 1000 km/s velocity expanding into interplanetary space, see NOAA-message below … …

For the rest see: link to document

Send by C. Monstein

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[3] Socioeconomic Study on the Impact of Space Weather on Canadian Infrastructure

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) to study the impact of space weather on Canadian infrastructure and to compare with best practices internationally. The detailed analyses will be used to support the development of a comprehensive Canadian space weather program.

The activity has the following general objectives: More specifically, the study has the following objectives:
John Manuel, Ph.D.
Senior Program Scientist,
Solar-Terrestrial Sciences
Canadian Space Agency
Government of Canada


For more information, please visit the Government of Canada tendering website:

Although the RFP is only open to Canadian bidders, such bids may include subcontracts to non-Canadian entities.

Send by John Manuel, Ph.D.

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**************[ End of this issue of the ISWI Newsletter ]******************

(1) Update on SuperSID 264KB, one page (click link to document)

(2) CALLISTO status report/newsletter #70 990KB, 11 pages (click link to document)

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