Dear ISWI Participant:
UNISPACE+50 takes place next year in Vienna. For anyone involved in space and capacity building, it is supremely important. Be sure to follow its development.
[1] CALLISTO status report/newsletter #71. (read it)
[2] The 3rd edition of the IMAO Space Weather School ISWI-MAGHREB-WEST AFRICA (IMAO 2017) (read it)
[3] COLAGE XI - Eleventh Latin American Conference on Space Geophysics 16÷20 April 2018, Buenos Aires, Argentina (read it)
[4] First call for abstracts to Session ST3.6 "ULF waves and turbulence in the auroral oval and polar cap regions: New horizons in multi-instrument observations" at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 8÷13 2018. (read it)
[5] UNISPACE+50 will take place next year ... are you ready? (read it)
[1] CALLISTO status report/newsletter #71
New Callisto station at Ibaraki University, Japan
Finally the Callisto spectrometer, donated during an ISWI-workshop in Fukuoka was installed and configured at Ibaraki University in Ibaraki, Japan. The project was supported by Asst. Prof. George Maeda (Kyushu Institute of Technology) and by Prof. Satoru Ueno, Hida Observatory, Kyoto University, Japan.
See attached pdf for full details:
Send by C. Monstein
[2] The 3rd edition of the IMAO Space Weather School
The 3rd edition of the IMAO Space Weather School was scheduled to take place in Abidjan from October 16 to 28, 2017
See attached pdf for full details:
Send by C. Amory
[3] COLAGE XI - Eleventh Latin American Conference on Space Geophysics 16÷20 April 2018, Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Latin American Conference on Space Geophysics (Congreso Latinoamericano de Geofisica Espacial, COLAGE) is organized every three years by the Latin American Association of Space Geophysics (Asociacion Latinoamericana de Geofisica Espacial or ALAGE, It brings together Space Geophysics researchers and students from all the world. Next COLAGE will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 16÷20 April 2018.
The registration is already open and will close on November 30th, 2017. We are soliciting both oral and poster presentations. All the information about the Conference is available (and will be posted with the news) at
Send by Sergio Dasso
[4] First call for abstracts to Session ST3.6 "ULF waves and turbulence in the auroral oval and polar cap regions: New horizons in multi-instrument observations" at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 8÷13 2018
We invite researchers in the magneto spheric community to submit abstracts to the above session.
See attached pdf for full details:
Send by Vyacheslav Pilipenko
[5] UNISPACE+50 will take place next year
UNISPACE+50 in 2018 will mark the 50th anniversary of the first United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNISPACE I), which was held in Vienna in 1968.
UNISPACE+50 represents a milestone opportunity to chart the future role of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, its subsidiary bodies and the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs as unique platforms for international space cooperation and for strengthening unified efforts at all levels and among all relevant stakeholders to address the overarching long-term development concerns of humankind with concrete deliverables pertaining to space for development. This booklet contains seven UNISPACE+50 thematic priorities, endorsed by the Committee in 2016 (A/71/20, para.296), as well as their objectives and mechanisms.
Send by G. Maeda
(1) CALLISTO status report/newsletter #71 834KB, 9 pages (click )
(2) The 3rd edition of the IMAO Space Weather School by Christine Amory 519KB, 2 pages (click )
(3) First call for abstracts to Session ST3.6 at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 8÷13 2018 41KB, one page (click )
(4) Thematic Priorities of UNISPACE+50 3 366KB, 12 pages (click )
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