ISWI Newsletter - Vol.10 No.06
01 April 2018

Dear ISWI Participant:

Inspite of today's date, First of April, I have not intentionally included any April Fool's pranks. I cannot be responsible for the contents of material submitted to this newsletter. I am just a Messenger Boy.

Keep the material flowing in. Let's keep the ISWI spirit alive and well.

George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter


[1] Article from Japan (read it)

[2] 15th European Space Weather Week (ESWW) (read it)

[3] EST (European Solar Telescope) Science Meeting (read it)

[4] Article "Analysis of a Type II Solar Radio Burst Observedon 20 October 2017" (read it)

[5] CALLISTO status report/newsletter #73 (read it)

[1] Article from Japan

Please see
Natsuki Tsuda, Ema Washida, Satoshi Nozawa, Kazumasa Iwai Observation of Solar Radio Bursts by CALLISTO Radio Spectrometer in Ibaraki University (click link to document 463KB, 9 pages)

[editor's note: This is the only Callisto station operating in Japan.]

Send by G. Maeda

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[2] 15th European Space Weather Week (ESWW)

Dear George,

Would you accept to publish this announcement in the ISWI newsletter ?

Best regards Jean

+++ start of announcement +++
15th European Space Weather Week (ESWW)
November 5÷9, 2018, Leuven, Belgium

**** Submission of abstracts to sessions **** Dear ESWW enthusiast,

A while ago, the ESWW2018 Programme Committee launched the Call for Sessions. Thanks to all who contributed! The PC is now working hard to get the list of sessions streamlined. By the end of March the list will be published.

The *submission of abstracts *to sessions *opens * on *April 1*, without joking. The *deadline* for submission is *May 18*. We appreciate that these dates are earlier than for previous editions of ESWW, but this is necessary to avoid logistical issues that have arisen in the past.

You are probably thinking: ‘This is too early!’. But we are convinced that this shouldn’t be a problem. In fact, you know what you are working on, and you do not have to present results in the abstract, just keep them for the conference.

Submission of contributions to sessions will be blank by default. The session conveners will assign the label 'poster' or 'oral'. If you prefer to have a poster and no oral presentation, you can indicate this choice in the submission form. You will be notified if, in case of acceptance, whether you have been assigned a poster or an oral presentation by the end of June.

For now, you can find information about the format and sessions at the URL:

We will notify you when the list of sessions is published and when the submission of abstracts opens.

Kind regards,
Mauro Messerotti and Petra Vanlommel,
on behalf of the Programme Committee

+++ end of announcement +++

Send by Jean Lilensten

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[3] EST Science Meeting

Dear George,

Please include the following announcement in the next ISWI Newsletter.

Many thanks,

Dear colleagues,

we are pleased to announce the next EST Science Meeting, that will take place at Giardini Naxos, Sicily (Italy) from 11 to 15 June 2018.

The registration and abstract submission are already open. More info at:
EST Science meeting website:
EST Science meeting mail address: est_sm[at]

About EST:

The European Solar Telescope (EST), is a 4-metre class aperture telescope designed to investigate our active Sun at very high spatial and temporal resolution and unprecedented polarimetric sensitivity. Equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation, it will help scientists understand magnetic coupling throughout the solar atmosphere. EST will be installed in the Canary Islands (Spain) to benefit from unique observing conditions.

First light is planned for 2027. The project is promoted by the European Association for Solar Telescopes (EAST) whose aim is to ensure access of European solar astronomers to world-class high-resolution ground-based observing facilities and keep Europe at the forefront of solar physics

This upcoming EST Science Meeting aims at gathering scientists who wish to present their most recent theoretical and observational research in the field.

The meeting will highlight the key science cases that will be addressed by the 4-metre class solar telescopes, and the synergies with both current and future ground-based and space-borne facilities. During the EST Science Meeting the main characteristics and science goals of the EST project will be presented to the scientific community to maximize the sharing of knowledge about the project and provide awareness of the potential telescope capabilities. It will also provide an opportunity to contribute to the definition of the telescope Science Requirements.

A Science Requirements Document, describing how and why the unique capabilities of EST will provide answers to several key science questions, will be presented at the meeting. EST will be the heritage of the entire solar physics community and, for this reason, it is expected that the scientific community and in particular the EST Science Meeting participants, will contribute with science cases that will then be reflected in the Science Requirement Document.

Scientific Sessions
-The state-of-the-art of the EST project
-Structure and evolution of magnetic flux
-Wave coupling throughout solar atmosphere
-Chromospheric dynamics and heating
-Magnetised plasma dynamics and fundamental processes
-The solar corona
-Solar flares and eruptive events
-Scattering physics and Hanle-Zeeman diagnostics
L. Belluzzi (IRSOL, CH),
M. Carlsson (UiO,NO),
M. Collados Vera (IAC, ES),
J. Jurcak (CAS, CZ),
M. Mathioudakis (QUB, UK),
S. Matthews (MSSL, UK),
R. Erdelyi (U. of Sheffield, UK),
R. Schlichenmaier (Co-Chair, KIS, DE),
D. Utz (IGAM, AT),
F. Zuccarello (Chair, UniCT, IT)

Best regards,
Prof Francesca Zuccarello
Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia
Sezione Astrofisica, Universita di Catania
Via S. Sofia, 78, I - 95123 Catania, Italy

Send by Francesca Zuccarello

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[4] Paper for ISWI Newsletter

Hi George -

Christian Monstein suggested I send the attached paper to you to be sent around in the newsletter. Title: "Analysis of a Type II Solar Radio Burst Observedon 20 October 2017" by Whitham D. Reeve

The link for download is this:

See also  link to document

Best regards,
Whitham D. Reeve
Anchorage, Alaska USA

Send by Whitham D. Reeve

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[5] CALLISTO status report/newsletter #73

Easter Solar Radio Burst Gallery from all over the world . . .

After a long period of silence the Sun went active again on March 30, 2018.

See the report  link to document

Send by Christian Monstein

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**************[ End of this issue of the ISWI Newsletter ]******************

(1) Natsuki Tsuda, Ema Washida, Satoshi Nozawa, Kazumasa Iwai Observation of Solar Radio Bursts by CALLISTO Radio Spectrometer in Ibaraki University (click link to document 463KB, 9 pages)

(2) Whitham D. Reeve Analysis of a Type II Solar Radio Burst Observed on 20 October 2017
(click link to document 1 733KB, 24 pages)

(3) CALLISTO status report/newsletter #73 (click link to document 1 889KB, 10 pages)

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