Dear ISWI Participant:
To see the current list of instrument projects and instrument leaders, go to the ISWI website and click on the "Projects" tab. There are seven tabs at the top.
This newsletter issue contains minutes of the recently held "ISWI Steering CommitteeMeeting" on Valentine's Day in Vienna, Austria. See Item [5] below.
[1] Announcement of summer school on "NATURAL SPACE RISKS", August 26÷31, 2019,
Paris Observatory, France
(read it)
[2] CALLISTO status report/newsletter #79 (read it)
[3] CALLISTO status report/newsletter #80 (read it)
[4] Statement by Kevin Conole, United States Representative, on Agenda Item 10, “Space Weather,” during recent STSC meeting in Vienna; February 12, 2019 (read it)
[5] Minutes – ISWI Steering Committee Meeting 2019, Feb 14, 2019
Meeting held at the Vienna International Centre (VIC), Vienna, Austria
(read it)
[6] African Geophysical Society (AGS) Newsletter- Vol.2 No. 003 21 March 2019 (read it)
[1] Summer school on "NATURAL SPACE RISKS", August 26÷31, 2019, Paris Observatory, France
This summer school aims at providing undergraduated and master students with an intensive training on all Earth natural space risks. The programme will address space weather, space debris, near-Earth objects, and their societal impacts. Resilience aspects will also be tackled by researchers and by experts from the civil society.
During this one-week school students will have a mix of academic lectures and hands-on sessions on orbitography, solar observations, and applied data reduction and analysis, during splinter sessions. The lectures and the hand-on sessions will be run by experts coming from all over Europe; experts from the industry will explain the importance of natural space risks for their activities.
This school is a unique opportunity to meet academic and non-academic researchers at the early stage of a career.
Applications should be submitted by email to nsr-2019[at] by April 15th, 2019 (17:00 Paris time).
For more information on
the submission process please refer to:
See also these attachments: announcement and
Send by N. Gopalswamy
[2] CALLISTO status report/newsletter #79
1st light observed with Callisto at Udaipur Solar Observatory; Timing issues;
FIT-files in the archive with wrong time-stamp are useless; CESRA news; AOB
Send by Chr. Monstein
[3] CALLISTO status report/newsletter #80
1st light observed with Callisto at observatory P.Hirt, Muhen, Switzerland,
Type III observed with 5m parabolic dish at Bleien observatory, Switzerland
Type II observed with LWA at Bleien observatory, Switzerland; in Essen, Germany; in Glasgow with LPDA and tracking system; at Graz University with LPDA in fixed sky; in Heiterswil , Switzerland with LWA-position; in Trieste;
1st light observed with Callisto at SANSA in Sutherland, South Africa
Type III observed in Trieste; at Bleien observatory, Switzerland;
Send by Chr. Monstein
[4] Statement by Kevin Conole, United States Representative, on Agenda Item 10, “Space Weather,” during recent STSC meeting in Vienna; February 12, 2019
Send by G. Maeda
[5] Minutes – ISWI Steering Committee Meeting 2019, Feb 14, 2019
Meeting held at the Vienna International Centre (VIC), Vienna, Austria
Send by G. Maeda
[6] African Geophysical Society (AGS) Newsletter- Vol.2 No. 003 21 March 2019
View in your browser click here
Dear Subscribers,This month's edition celebrates and acknowledges women's particpation in the fields of Science, Math, Technology and Innovation. Happy Women's month! We have decided to feature yet another female scientist from Uganda and her research work.
The AGS Newsletter is published as part of the activities of the African Geophysical Society. You are encouraged to contribute material to this newsletter for distribution to the global scientific community. The material should be related to earth and space Science.
(5) POEM OF THE MONTH - Dear Woman
The Fellowship is offered to women scientists from Science and Technology Lagging Countries (STLCs) to undertake PhD research in the Natural, Engineering and Information Technology sciences at a host institute in the South. The call for applications is open. Deadline for submission is 30 May 2019.
*Please note that following the counsel of Sida, and owing to scientific and economic changes in a number of developing nations, OWSD and TWAS have intensified the focus of our programmes on the countries where science and technology are significantly lagging.
The immediate effect is that OWSD Fellowships will now be open to applicants from 48 Least Developed Countries (LDCs) identified by the United Nations, plus 18 countries selected because of their low income levels and specific needs for support in building research capacity.
Formerly, OWSD had a list of eligible countries which included all LDCs and any additional countries in sub-Saharan Africa. With this new list, effective for any fellowship from 2017 onward, some countries in Africa (including Nigeria) are no longer considered low income and are therefore no longer eligible for fellowships support. Some new countries outside Africa have been added.
For Eligible scientific fields, academic qualification, host institutes and deadline, Kindly visit
Dear ParticipantsThe NGS 2019 invites researchers and practitioners to share their work on the role played by “exploring the diversity in Geophysical sciences for National Development”. This could initiate multidisciplinary research areas, provides answers to older and new theoretical perspectives and build integrity between future technologies and our everyday lives.
Topics: Space Weather, Solar Physics, Communication, Magnetosphere, Ionosphere, Lower Atmosphere/Troposphere, Meteorology, Geodesy, Remote Sensing, Geographic Information System, Seismology, Geophysics, Geology, Geodesy, Surveying, Geothermal Energy, Hydrocarbon Exploration Mineral Exploration and Petrology
Please visit our website for complete information ( Also, complete the application form and submit abstract not more than 250 words.
Submission of Abstract start from 22nd January 2019 Deadline 22nd April 2019
Conference Date: Tuesday 7th- Friday 10th May 2019
Conference Venue: Michael and Cecilia Ibru University, Agbarha-Otor, Delta State, Nigeria.
Hi all,This is to inform you that the due date for submitting nomination for the 2019 AGU African Awards for Research Excellence in Space Science is coming soon (15 March 2019). The Africa Awards for Research Excellence in Space Science, which was established in 2015, is annual AGU union award to be given to one early career scientists from the African continent in recognition for “completing significant work that shows the focus and promise of making outstanding contributions to research in space sciences.”
Thus, I write this email to invite you all to consider submitting nomination if you know anyone, who is making outstanding contribution to the development of space science research in Africa, and can satisfy the nomination criteria (shown here)
Although detail nominee's eligibility criteria are mentioned at AGU's website mentioned above, the two most important cut off eligibility criteria that you need to consider before picking the right nominee include: Nominee must be (1) a citizen or permanent resident of countries on the African continent and (2) must be within 10 years of receiving PhD from an African institution.
Again please consider submitting a nomination!
Thanks, Endawoke
Based on member feedback, AGU has extended the deadline for Union Awards, Medals and Prizes to 15 April. To clarify, this does not change the existing deadline for submitting nominations for Union Fellows, which are due this Friday, 15 March.
All other nominations are due on 15 April. See the listing below for all Honors deadlines:
Union Fellows: Nominations due 15 March
Union Awards, Medals and Prizes: Nominations due 15 April
Section Awards and Lectures: Nominations due 15 April
Nominate a colleague, mentor, peer or student today.
Sharon Aol completed her Masters degree (Funded by the International Science Program (ISP), Uppsala, Sweden) from Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Mbarara, Uganda under the supervision of Dr. Patrick Mungufeni (Mbarara University of Science and Technology) and Assoc. Prof. Edward Jurua from the same University. Her thesis was on the Effects of Space weather on the ionosphere: A case study of geomagnetic storms during the period 17 ? 28 February, 2014. She secured funding from the International Science Program(ISP) to pursue her PhD program at the Mbarara Univeristy under being supervised by Dr. Stephan Buchert (Swedish Institute of Space Physics) and Assoc. Prof. Edward Jurua (Mbarara University of Science and Technology).
Her Ph.D research Project is on the study of irregularities and scintillations in the low latitude region. She is a young researcher curious about different approaches in Space Physics technology and its applications
Dear Woman
You'll be too much woman.
Too smart,
Too beautiful,
Too strong.
Too much of something
That makes a man feel like less of a man,
Which will start making you feel like you have to be less of a woman.
The biggest mistake you can make
Is removing jewels from your crown
To make it easier for a man to carry.
When this happens, I need you to understand,
You do not need a smaller crown -- You need a man with bigger hands.
Written by Micheal E. Reid
(1) Announcement of summer school on "NATURAL SPACE RISKS", August 26÷31, 2019,
Paris Observatory, France (191KB, one page)
(2) Flyer of summer school on "NATURAL SPACE RISKS" (373KB, one page)
(3) CALLISTO status report/newsletter #79 (194KB, 4 pages)
(4) CALLISTO status report/newsletter #80 (814KB, 8 pages)
(5) Statement by Kevin Conole, United States Representative, February 12, 2019 (345KB, 2 pages)
(6) Minutes – ISWI Steering Committee Meeting 2019, Feb 14, 2019 (59KB, 4 pages)
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