ISWI Newsletter - Vol.12 No.08
12 May 2020

Dear ISWI Participant:

Announcements are always welcomed by this newsletter. If there are dead lines, please send in early ! ! !

Occasionally, I receive announcements after the dead line involved. Or the dead line is only two days away.

Cordially yours,
George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter


[1] Message regarding the papers submitted to the special issue of "Sun and Geosphere" on the ISWI/ICTP workshop in May 2019, Trieste, Italy. (read it)

[2] Nagoya University (Japan) seeks applicants for academic position (read it)

[3] "Space Weather Activities of the GIRGEA Team". by Dr Christine Amory-Mazaudier; ISWI Steering Committee Meeting, Feb-2020, Vienna (read it)

[4] "The Sun Is a Bit Boring, Which May Make It Special"; The New York Times, 30 April 2020. (read it)

[1] The papers submitted to the special issue of "Sun and Geosphere"

This note is to inform you that the peer-review of papers submitted to the special issue of Sun and Geosphere on the ISWI/ICTP workshop in May last year in Trieste, Italy has been completed. About half of the participants who expressed interest in publishing their research presented at the workshop actually submitted manuscripts. In addition to the workshop participants, members of the scientific community in general were given the opportunity to submit papers. After the rejection/withdrawal of some papers, the guest editors have accepted 10 papers (list appended). I am happy to note that about half of the papers are by student participants, including an undergraduate student. Congratulations!

See the full text of the note:

Send by Nat Gopalswamy

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[2] Nagoya University (Japan) seeks applicants for academic position

Dear SCOSTEP colleagues,

The Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Nagoya University, invites applications from female researchers for one professor or associate professor position during the Japanese fiscal years, April 2020–March 2025. The application deadline is extended to Thursday,
May 28, 2020, 12:00 (Japanese Standard Time).

Full details about the job are available at Enquiries should be sent to inst-recruit[at]

Regards Kanya Kusano
Director & Professor
Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE)
Nagoya University
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Japan 464-8601
[email protected]

Send by Prof. B. Rabiu,

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[3] Space Weather Activities of the GIRGEA Team (reports of coordinators)

See the full text of these reports:

Send by Dr Christine Amory-Mazaudier,

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[4] "The Sun Is a Bit Boring, Which May Make It Special"; The New York Times, 30 April 2020

Look at

See this file:

Send by George Maeda,

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**************[ End of this issue of the ISWI Newsletter ]******************

(1) Special issue of Sun and Geosphere on the ISWI/ICTP workshop in May last year in Trieste.  link to document 295KB, two pages

(2) GIRGEA reports of coordinators  link to document 1 400KB, 12 pages

(3) There's Something Special About the Sun: It's a Bit Boring Article in New York Times  link to document 100KB,
3 pages