There are two items for New Year Day, 2014.
This newsletter is published twice per year. The attached issue covers
the second half of 2013.
[2] The following letter was written by Dr. Jean Lilensten of IPAG in France, who took the lead in creating the "Wall of Peace". It was displayed during the "10th European Space Weather Week" in Antwerp, Belgium, from Nov 18 to Nov 22, 2013 see the second attached pdf for photos of this display.
In the past months, I sollicited all of you to help me in the making of the "Wall of Peace". Your answers were enthusiastic, and thanks to you, we could translate the definition of space weather in 56 langages. In several of them, words had to be invented. You did a great tribute to your People: inventing a word is something very important, as it gives access to a concept. Through this shared effort, the concept of space weather was brought to hundreds of millions of humans. I know that not all of them will use it, but now we know that they can, and this is, to me, very important. Probably one of the most important things I ever did in science.
I was also impressed by the fact that you all accepted to make this gift to Mankind anonymously. Only me know that you worked hard for this (and no-one except for you knows that I am at its origin). I appreciate very much this modesty of yours, this gives a great confidence in the fact that through science, we can all collaborate and work alltogether in spite of our different cultures, putting our egos aside.
Through this mail, I want to thank all of you. I voluntarily kept the mailing list open, so that you can see that there are people from all the continents. The first translations in European langages were made several years ago, so that in this mail, I only thank those who recently helped.
In France, it is the use at this period of the year to wish a happy new year, and all the best. Not all of you have the same calendar, and this period is not celebrated everywhere. However, following our usage, let me wish you very friendly all the best for the year(s) to come, and thank you again for your good will in serving Peace through Science.
PS: in the future, we will post the definitions on the Space Weather portal, and I will maintain an effort to have more definitions coming...
(1) Centre for Mathematical and Statistical Science, India. Newsletter, Vol.16, Num.2, 2013 )
(2) Wall of Peace on display during ESWW10 (Photo Collage) )
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ICSWSE, Kyushu University, Hakozaki Campus, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, Japan.