In the period of time of UNBSSI 1988-2014 (25 years), three Centres have been established: CMS focusing on mathematics and statistics India, CBSS focusing on basic space science Nigeria, and ICSWSE focusing on space weather Japan. All three Centres have a standing invitation to announce their activities through the ISWI Newsletter.
ISWI Newsletter, Vol. 6 No.011, contains the announcement of the "2014 SERC School" which does address mathematics and statistics for application to physics (including basic space science, heliophysics, and space weather). The Proceedings, containing the annual SERC School Lectures, can be downloaded from (a quick link here).
The attached circular is for the 2014 Undergraduate Mathematics Training Camps of CMS, also organized annually, focusing on mathematics and statistics at the undergraduate level. The Teaching Material for these undergraduate training courses is also available in print. There are eight (8) so-called Modules which contain the mathematics and statistics used for the lectures during the training courses. Printed copies of the Modules can be requested by writing to cmspala[at] They are not yet made available on the CMS Website. The annual SERC School Proceedings and the eight volumes of Modules have also been made available to the Regional Centres for Space Science and Technology Education, affiliated to the United Nations.
(1) 22nd, 23rd Undergraduate Mathematics Training Camps of CMSS, in India.
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ICSWSE, Kyushu University, Hakozaki Campus, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, Japan.