The "International Center for Space Weather Science and Education" (ICSWSE which is pronounced "iku sei") here at Kyushu University (Kyu Dai) in southern Japan is actively engaged in capacity building in the countries where we have MAGDAS magnetometers deployed.
It turns out that to keep a magnetometer running anywhere it is important that the local support staff be able to use the instrument's data for research -- or at least understand the technical aspects of the instrument.
The first attached pdf is an article from Space Research Today that describes the many facets of capacity building being performed by Iku Sei. We bring in students from overseas to train them for a Kyu Dai Master's Degree as well as for a Kyu Dai PhD -- last year our students from Malaysia and Sudan received their Phd's from Kyu Dai; their photo is in this article. We also conduct MAGDAS schools in the field. And we bring in folks to Kyu Dai for short training courses.
The second attached pdf is an example of a short training course. The trainees this month came from Nigeria, Egypt, Ivory Coast, and Mozambique. In a future issue of this newsletter I will discuss a few more things about these trainees; I will present their training reports, for example.
If you are doing capacity building for space weather research/education, please send in your news to this newsletter office for general circulation.
(1) A. Yoshikawa, M.G. Cardinal, T. Hada and K. Yumoto MAGDAS Capacity Building Activities for Space Weather Research at ICSWSE Space Research Today, Number 188, December 2013, pp.18-20 )
(2) MAGDAS Training at ICSWSE 21-24 January 2014 (Photo Collage) )
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ICSWSE, Kyushu University, Hakozaki Campus, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, Japan.