ISWI Newsletter - Vol.6 No.016
01 February 2014

Dear ISWI Participant:

There are two items today:

[1] As mentioned in recent issues of this newsletter, we (ICSWSE in Japan) recently (21-24 January 2014) trained the following persons from Africa:
1 - Owolabi Oladejo Charles..............Nigeria
2 - Grodji Oswald Didier Franck..........Cote d'Ivoire
3 - Adel Fathy Abd Elmoneam Mohammed.....Egypt
4 - Luis Manuel Joao.....................Mozambique

Per training requirements, they had to write a brief report concerning their MAGDAS training -- or one may call it "Capacity Building in Action". Please find four reports attached, with group photo. Special thanks to Ms. Kayo Goto (Executive Secretary, ICSWSE) for making most of the arrangements for these gentlemen to travel to Japan to attend this special training event. This center would not function at all without her dedicated work.

[2] Dr. Craig J. Rodger, who is with the Department of Physics at the University of Otago down in New Zealand, sent out today the following email concerning SPeCIMEN sessions at the URSI conference in August. Many of you know Craig as the "energetic speaker" of CAWSES-II Symposium (Nagoya, Japan); certainly I was impressed with his stage vigor and vitality !

Date: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 12:21:50 +1300 From: Craig Rodger craig.rodger[at]

Subject: SPeCIMEN relevent sessions on Radiation Belt Physics at the upcoming URSI Conference (August 2014)

Dear colleagues

I would like to alert you to the upcoming URSI General Assembly, which includes 2 sessions of radiation belt presentations, a tutorial on wave-particle interactions by Yoshi Omura, and a number of other sessions relevant to workers in the inner magnetosphere. As with previous URSI General Assembly's, there is a strong focus on experimental and theoretical discussion on radiation belt physics, and plasma waves, with an additional set of discussions on energetic particle precipitation from the radiation belts.

The abstract deadline is 15 February 2014
The meeting will occur from 16-23 August 2014 in Beijing, PRC
Conference website:
Highly relevant sessions

H1: Wave-particle Interactions and Their Effects on Planetary Radiation Belts

Conveners: Jacob Bortnik, Craig J. Rodger, Richard B. Horne Date: Tuesday 19 August 2014

HG1: Drivers, detection, and ionospheric impacts of precipitation from the radiation belts

Conveners: C. J. Rodger, M. A. Clilverd Date: Wednesday 20 August 2014

Tutorial: Yoshiharu Omura: "Theory and simulations of nonlinear wave-particle interactions in the planetary radiation belts" Date: Tuesday 19 August 2014

Please consider submitting an abstract to our sessions, and travelling to Beijing to attend this conference! Note that there is also a very strong URSI Young Scientist programme, which will provide support for over 100 young researchers to attend this meeting (for developed countries this support extends to registration fees, accommodation, and a party). There is a Student Paper prize. Thus this conference is a good opportunity for both you, and any early career scientists you know of (under 35)!

Due to the interdisciplinary nature of URSI, the instructions for abstract submission appear more focused on submitting a 4-page. However, for normal submissions of an oral or poster presentation, or an invited presentation, our sessions "actually" only require a 200-500 word abstract. You will need to make a PDF of the abstract and upload it into the conference website, as well as filling in a form (and going through a copyright agreement process).

Note that if you are an early career research applying for a URSI Young Scientist Award you will need to upload the full 4-page paper. This will be used by the URSI national committees to rank the applicants and determine who gets the support.

Best wishes, Craig


H1: Wave-particle Interactions and Their Effects on Planetary Radiation Belts
Conveners: Jacob Bortnik jbortnik[at],
Craig J. Rodger crodger[at], Richard B. Horne RH[at]

Summary: Wave-particle interactions are a ubiquitous physical phenomenon that allows the exchange of energy and momentum between natural plasma waves, and energetic radiation belt particles. In so doing, the wave can act as an energy conduit between different particle energies, species, or both. In this session we discuss the various plasma waves that control planetary radiation belt dynamics, their specific effects on the particles, both individually and in concert, and the various modes of wave-particle interactions, for instance linear, quasi-linear, nonlinear and non-resonant. We welcome both theoretical and observational studies involving the radiation belts of the Earth or other planets. We particularly encourage early results from the Van Allen Probes. Note that studies directed towards radiation belt particle precipitation and its affects are likely better suited to the complementary session HG1.

HG1: Drivers, detection, and ionospheric impacts of precipitation from the radiation belts
Conveners: Craig J. Rodger crodger[at] M. A. Clilverd macl[at]

Summary: Particle precipitation into the atmosphere is believed to be one of the dominant mechanisms for the loss of energetic electron loss from the Van Allen radiation belts, as well as ring current ions. Wave-particle interactions with ULF through to VLF waves are thought to be important drivers of these loss-events. This session is targeted at both ground-based and satellite experimental observations, as well as theoretical investigations, into the precipitation of energetic (>20keV) and relativistic electrons or ring current ions. Papers considering wave-particle interactions driving losses, measurement of loss fluxes, or the effects of this precipitation on the ionosphere are welcome. We particularly welcome early results from the Van Allen Probes, the BARREL campaign, or studies from existing ground and space based experiments. Note that studies directed towards radiation belt electron acceleration or transport are likely better suited to the complementary session H1.

Assoc Prof Craig J. Rodger
Department of Physics Phone: +64 3 479 4120
University of Otago Fax: +64 3 479 0964
PO Box 56, Dunedin 9016

Cordially and faithfully yours,
George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter


(1) Reports by MAGDAS Trainees - January of 2014 934 KB pdf, 6 pages, (click link to document)

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ICSWSE, Kyushu University, Hakozaki Campus, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, Japan.