2014 AOGS Conference in Sapporo was a great success -- I was privileged to have attended it last week. Random photos are included in this issue as Item #6. AOGS events are getting bigger and better. So I hope more of you will participate in AOGS events in the future. Many countries are still very under-represented: Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, and the like.
Item #4 today is also excellent; it is a report on a space weather school that took place recently in Morocco. If you conduct a space weather school, please send in your report to me for distribution.
Item #5 is an important space weather policy document from the UN.
[1] John L. Remo and Hans J. Haubold. "Threats from space: 20 years of progress", Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, (read it)
[2] Two AGU awards go to Africans (from South Africa and from Zambia) (read it)
[3] CALLISTO status report/news letter #51 (read it)
[4] REPORT : SCHOOL ON SPACE WEATHER Marrakech, Morocco 05-10 May 2014 (read it)
[5] "Working report of expert group C: Space weather" Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, Fifty-first session, Vienna, 10-21 February 2014 Long-term sustainability of outer space activities (read it)
[6] Forty-eight random photos of 2014 AOGS Sapporo poster (read it)
[1] Abstract It has been 20 years since planning began for the 1995 United Nations International Conference on Near-Earth Objects. The conference proceedings established the scientific basis for an international organizational framework to support research and collective actions to mitigate a potential near-Earth object (NEO) threat to the planet. Since that time, researchers have conducted telescope surveys that should, within the coming decade, answer many questions about the size, number, and Earth impact probability of these objects. Space explorations to asteroids and comets have been successfully carried out, including sample recovery. Laboratory experiments and computer simulations at Sandia National Laboratories have analyzed the effects of high energy-density soft x-ray radiation on meteoritesNwhich might help researchers develop a way to redirect an incoming asteroid by vaporizing a thin layer of its surface. An Action Team on NEOs, established in 2001 in response to recommendations of the Third United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, identified the primary components of NEO mitigation and emphasized the value of finding potentially hazardous NEOs as soon as possible. Recommendations from the action team are meant to ensure that all nations are aware of the NEO danger, and to coordinate mitigation activities among nations that could be affected by an impact, as well as those that might play an active role in any eventual deflection or disruption campaign.
Full report is in first attached pdf.
(Sent in by W. Balogh)
[2] Two AGU awards go to Africans (from South Africa and from Zambia)
1) Sunanda & Santimay Basu Early Career Award in Sun-Earth Systems ScienceAwarded to: John Bosco Habarulema, South African National Space Agency (SANSA) for his scientific contributions to the areas of ionospheric physics and space weather, his ability to overcome obstacles, and efforts to develop space sciences education and research in Africa.
2) Science for Solutions AwardAwarded to: Chigomezyo Ngwira, Catholic University of America, NASA/GSFC, for his outstanding contributions to understanding extreme space weather events and their potential impact on life and society worldwide.
The Science for Solutions Award is given annually to one student or postdoctoral scientist in recognition for "significant contributions in the application and use of the Earth and space sciences to solve societal problems."
Established in 2012 by the generosity of Peter Schlosser, Past President of AGU's Ocean Sciences section, the recipient of this award will receive $1,000 towards advancing their studies or projects, and will give a lecture on this topic at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco.
(Sent in by E. Yizengaw)
[3] CALLISTO status report/news letter #51
The top news is:
During the African School on the Impact of the Sun on Ionosphere:
Physics and Applications, a new Callisto spectrometer and antenna were
installed at University of Rwanda, College of Education, Maths & Physics
Department in Kigali - Rwanda.
Full report in second attached pdf.
(Sent in by C. Monstein)
A "Space Weather" school was held at the University Cady Ayyad from 5 to 10 May 2014. The organizing committee can be proud of its success through quality courses teached, student involvement, and good organization.
For more information, see thirdt attached pdf.
(Sent in by Aziza Bounhir)
[5] "Working report of expert group C: Space weather"
This is an important space-weather-related document released this year by COPUOS of the United Nations. It was created by the leading experts of the space weather field. It contains numerous specific recommendations, and deserves extensive discussion at space weather gatherings.
Full report is attached as fourth attached pdf.
(Sent in by T. Obara)
[6] The photos are in fifth attached pdf.
(Sent in by G. Maeda)
(1) John L. Remo and Hans J. Haubold. "Threats from space: 20 years of progress", Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, )
(2) CALLISTO status report/news letter #51, )
(3) REPORT : SCHOOL ON SPACE WEATHER Marrakech, Morocco 05-10 May 2014 )
(4) UN document:AC105/C1/2014/CRP.15E "Working report of expert group C: Space weather" Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, Fifty-first session, Vienna, 10-21 February 2014 Long-term sustainability of outer space activities )
(5) Forty-eight random photos of 2014 AOGS Sapporo poster )