ISWI Newsletter - Vol.6 No.045
01 November 2014

Dear ISWI Participant:

If you are seeking a PhD in engineering or the sciences (or know someone who is), please see Item #5 of this issue. Ten Phd scholarships shall be award by IGSES (Kyushu University) after the Call-For-Application round that ends at the end of this month. This scholarship covers all expenses for three years -- it is unequivocally a good deal.

George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter


[1] Second Announcement for the 14th Internationall Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy (ISEA-14), Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, 19–23 October 2015 (read it)

[2] Status report Callisto #53 and comparison FFT spectrometer vs frequency agile spectrometer Callisto based on one single solar radio burst. (read it)

[3] 26th General Assembly of IUGG, Prague, Czech Republic, June 22–July 2, 2015 (read it)

[4] NOAA event 5260 observed with the new filter bank FFT-spectrometer at Bleien observatory. (read it)

[5] General Announcement by Kyushu University's Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences (IGSES): Doctoral Scholarships for 2015. (read it)

[1] Second announement of ISEA-14

Dear VarSITI members,

Attached please find the second announement of the 14th Int'l Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy (ISEA-14) which will be held at Bahir Dar University, in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia on October 19-23, 2015. For details, please take a look at

Best regards, Kazuo (ISEA-14 IOC)

For the full text see the first attached file

(Sent in by K. Shiokawa)

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[2] Status report Callisto #53 and comparison FFT spectrometer vs frequency agile spectrometer Callisto based on one single solar radio burst.

Hello everyone

Attached the latest Callisto status report. Pages 1-2 success from Callisto in Kigali, Rwanda. They got their first light this week. *Congratulations and welcome on the e-Callisto network.*

Pages 2-10 we see one of the first observations with the new 8 channel filter bank FFT-spectrometer M9703A, designed together with Keysight (ex. Agilent), FHNW, University of Berne (IAP) and ETH. The spectrometer has a very high resolution in time (>= 20 ms) and frequency (48.8 KHz) and a high dynamic range. The spectrometer provides 8 channels times 400 MHz or 4 channels times 800 MHz bandwidth. Spectrum readout as power, complex power, cross-power and many other products with 16384 frequency bins.

For comparison on the following pages all Callisto instruments which provided their data files from the same event NOAA 20141016events.txt (click here)
2130 + 0704 //// 0704 CUL C RSP 025-460 III/2

In all plots an average background was subtracted!

By the way this burst is ideal to determine the SEFD = S(Y-1) to qualify the instrument sensitivty. Explanations SEFD, Can be seen from the lecture
Prof. Mike Garrett, Radio Telescopes, receivers (a PDF file, 93 pages, 44MB in size, located on external website)

Best regards,
Christian Monstein
Institute for Astronomy
ETH Zurich, HIT G13.2
Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 27
CH-8093 Zurich

For more please see second and third attached files.

(Sent in by C. Monstein)

Webmaster Note: Lecture quoted above is part of a comprehensive course called "Radio Astronomy". Click here, therein is a place you can find the most up-to-date course information - you can also find PDF copies of the lecture notes here and the overall content of the course.

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[3] 26th General Assembly of IUGG, web:

Dear Colleagues,

You may have noticed that the 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) is fast approaching. This event will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, from the 22nd of June to the 2nd of July 2015. As chairman of the Local Organising Committee IUGG 2015, and on behalf of the entire Czech Geosciences community, I cordially invite you to attend this once-in-a-lifetime scientific and social event.

IUGG holds its general assembly every four years and Prague is proud to be the only city to host this event for the second time. In 1927, Prague hosted the third IUGG General Assembly of 300 participants.

Since then, the IUGG has made admirable breakthroughs in all aspects of Earth Sciences. Currently, IUGG is a composite of eight semi-autonomous associations covering various physical, chemical, mathematical, and environmental disciplines. Concurrently, Prague has flourished in the last two decades and become an affordable destination with high quality services. Prague ranks the 5th most visited city in Europe with over 4 million tourists annually. The Prague Congress Centre, located near the city centre, offers an optimal solution for this event and presents an ideal site for the 5000+ expected conference participants from around the world.

While attending scientific lectures and partaking in discussions with your colleagues in Prague, you can benefit from this unique city, which is recognised for its cultural and culinary selection. We are here to make your stay in Prague unforgettable through a wide selection of scientific trips and guided tours. The Science Program Committee has prepared the road map for the scientific program and determined its basic features. At present, union symposia are well defined in terms of conveners. Their descriptions are available here. Lists of solicited speakers of individual symposia are in an advanced phase of preparation. A complete scientific program will be ready in July when the registration and abstract submission tools will also be available.

Please mark IUGG 2015 in your calendars - the scientific meeting of the upcoming year.

I would like to share the words of Albert Einstein, a resident of Prague between 1911 and 1912. “Besides, the city of Prague is wonderful, that beautiful that this city alone would already prove of value for a longer journey.”

We look forward to making your trip to Prague in 2015 a great success!

Sincerely Yours,
Vladimir Cermak
Chairman, LOC IUGG 2015

(Sent in by V. Cermak)

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[4] NOAA event 5260 observed with the new filter bank FFT-spectrometer

For more please see the third attached file

(Sent in by C. Monstein)

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[5] Doctoral SCHOLARSHIPS for 2015 be awarded by IGSES (Kyushu University)

Key Features:

* Ten fully funded 3-year doctoral scholarships are available for outstanding international candidates.

* Students who are in a position to finance their own studying and living expenses are also welcome to apply.

* Degrees awarded:

  • Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng.)
  • Doctor of Science (D.Sc.)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).

* Medium of Instruction: English.

* Enrollment Period: October 1st 2015.

* Degree Duration: 3 years.

Application Deadline:
  • November 30, 2014, for the scholarship course
  • May 27, 2015, for self-financed students (tentative)
  • For more information, or to apply online, please visit
    this site

For 2-page brochure see the fourth attached file

(Sent in by T. Hada)

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**************[ End of this issue of the ISWI Newsletter ]******************

(1) Second Announcement 14th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy October 19-23, 2015, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia 28 KB pdf, one page, (click link to document)

(2) Status report Callisto #53 and comparison FFT spectrometer vs frequency agile spectrometer Callisto based on one single solar radio burst 505 KB pdf, 11 pages, (click link to document)

(3) A letter from Cristian Monstein 564 KB pdf, 2 pages, (click link to document)

(4) 2-page brochure SCHOLARSHIPS for 2015 2 459 KB pdf, 2 pages, (click link to document)

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