ISWI Newsletter - Vol.5 No.9
18 January 2013

Dear ISWI Participant:

I am pleased to attach for your perusal the latest Status Report from the CALLISTO Project of ISWI. (As always, the report is from Christian Monstein, Institute for Astronomy, Zurich, Switzerland.)

It is very interesting! Christian comments on it as follows:
"Attached is the latest status report presenting a compilation of a Type II burst from January 13th of this year. It was observed with at least 15 instruments at different locations worldwide. This event is a nice example to study instrumental effects as well as to derive the shock speed of the CME. Given the large variety of quality of different observatories it might also help to optimize instrumental setups (frequency range, frequency resolution, time resolution, pointing system, antenna, channel bandwidth, integration time etc.)"

Thank you Christian for this fascinating status report.

Reminder to all: He still has CALLISTO instruments available for sale. Also, he can travel to your institute to facilitate any CALLISTO installation if you can shoulder his travel expenses
(see ISWI Newsletter, Vol.5, Num.2, for the initial explanation of his attractive offer).

Keeping the ISWI Faith with your unwavering support,
George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter


(1) e-Callisto status report #38 1 001KB pdf, 15 pages, (click link to document)

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