ISWI Newsletter - Vol.5 No.23
27 February 2013

Dear ISWI Participant:

There are two items today:

Item 1 I attach for the ISWI community the latest e-Callisto status report from Christian Monstein, based in Switzerland, who often reminds people of the following point:
"(1) CALLISTO or Callisto denotes to the spectrometer itself while
(2) e-Callisto denotes to the worldwide network."

Item 2 This item comes from Dr Mahrous in Egypt. (By the way, he has two MAGDAS installations and one Callisto station; so he is a very serious space weather investigator.)

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Extreme Space Weather: A report published by the UK Royal Academy of Engineering

The Royal Academy of Engineering in the UK has recently published an assessment of the likely technological effects of extreme space weather otherwise referred to as solar super storms. The emphasis of the impact assessment is on the UK, but the conclusions and recommendations have more general applicability. The report concludes that a solar superstorm - which may only occur once every two hundred years - will be a challenge to deal with, but it will not be catastrophic.

Dr. Ayman M. Mahrous
Associate Professor Helwan University
Director of Space Weather Monitoring Center (SWMC)
Fax.: +202-2555-2468
Tel.: +202-2764-5257
Mobile: +2-0100-267-8948

Dr. Ayman M. Mahrous
Helwan University,
Faculty of Science,
Physics Department,
Ain Helwan, 11795 EGYPT

The full report
can be downloaded from: here

A summary report
can be downloaded from: here

******************* End of Contributed Item *********************

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Faithfully and cordially yours,
George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter


(1) Dr Christian Monstein e-Callisto status report/news-letter #38 907 KB pdf, 6 pages, (click link to document)

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