(1) This year is a big transition year for ISWI, the Space Weather Agenda of UN-COPUOS, and the involvement of the UN in outer space affairs. Hence, from Prof. Hans Haubold of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, I present two questions for the entire ISWI community:
1. What have been the scientific highlights of the UNBSSI (BSS, IHY, ISWI) in the past 25 years?
2. Did the UNBSSI create a worldwide scientific network in the past 25 years?
The first 2 attachments (one in English and one in German) are food for thought -- also from Hans. Hans and I invite you to think about the two questions above and if possible to write a comment. I shall be happy to reprint your comment on this newsletter for all ISWI participants to see.
(2) Recently, the International Center for Space Weather Science and Education dispatched a team to Indonesia and Malaysia for magnetometer field work. The team consisted of one staff (Dr. S. Abe) and four students (Mr. Imajyo, Mr. Uetani, Mr. Tanaka, and Mr. Mohamad Huzaimy Jusoh of Malaysia).
(a) Upgrade the old magnetometer at Kupang, Indonesia, to
the state-of-the-art MAGDAS 9 magnetometer.
Photos will
be provided in a future newsletter.
(b) Install (new site) a MAGDAS-9 magnetometer at Sabah, on an island that was once known as "Borneo". Sabah is now a part of Malaysia. Photos will be provided later.
Their mission:
At the Sabah, the host university arranged a special research talk which helped the installation team explain to Sabah faculty and students the scientific motivation for deploying MAGDAS magnetometers all over the world. Attached, as the 3rd pdf, is the program for this research talk. It was created by the host university, Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
(1) Dean Keith Simonton (professor of psychology at the University of California at Davis) Scientific genius is extinct NATURE, VOL.493, 31 JANUARY 2013 )
(2) Peter Gruss, Präsident der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Wir müssen ein weltweites Netz knüpfen )
(3) Dr. Baba Musta, Dean School of Science and Technology, University Malaysia, Sabah RESEARCH TALK ON MAGDAS/CPMN PROJECT, 20TH MARCH 2013 )
If you want to read the original newsletter, click here.