The following note came to me from Dr Hans Haubold at UNOOSA in Vienna.
Here is one more Poster for the ISWI Newsletter. It concerns
basic space science.
The 20 workshops of the UNBSSI (1991-2012)
have been cosponsored and coorganized by ESA/NASA/JAXA and
have been coorganized by COSPAR and IAU. This has been
highlighted in all reports on the 20 workshops (UN GA
documents numbered A/AC.105/xxx). Along the line of workshops
in the UNBSSI, COSPAR and IAU started organising their own
series of "Capacity Building Workshops".
The IAU also developed their 2010-2020 strategic plan
(an updated version ).
Reports on all these workshops were published in COSPAR's
Space research Today Bulletin and IAU's Information Bulletin.
Attached is the Poster announcement for the 2013 COSPAR
Capacity Building Workshop!
Thanks, Hans
(1) A COSPAR Capacity Building Workshop High-Energy Astrophysics: An Advanced School for Asian Astronomers Sept. 2–13, 2013, Xuyi, Jiangsu, China )
If you want to read the original newsletter, click here.