There are two information items today:
(1) Based on the first UN/Austria Symposium on Space Weather (Graz, Austria, 2012) the second UN/Austria Symposium on Space Weather (Graz, Austria, 2013) is now being organized. Please have a look at the website for this event: (click here)
This event is hosted and co-sponsored by the Government of Austria, the State of Styria and the City of Graz and co-sponsored by European Space Agency (ESA).
Dates: 16 - 19 September 2013. Venue: Space Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences(2) Please find attached the announcement for "AGU Joint Prize for Space Weather and Nonlinear Waves and Processes Prize". The prize consists of a $10,000 monetary prize, an announcement in Eos, and an award plaque presented at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco during the award presentation year. The prize is made possible through the generosity of AGU members, Bruce T. Tsurutani and Olga P. Verkhoglyadova.
(1) Announcing the AGU Joint Prize for Space Weather and Nonlinear Waves and Processes )
Please keep the news coming in !
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