The "MAGDAS Project" of the International Center for Space Weather Science and Education was conceived, and was realized, by Prof. K. Yumoto of Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. This project now consists of 71 real time magnetometers deployed around the world and is arguably the largest instrument array of the ISWI instrument program. Up until now, he has been the sole PI of this scientific project.
Prof. Yumoto has decided to pass this baton (the PI of the MAGDAS Project) to a younger scientist. This action is expressed in a recent letter written to Prof. Hans Haubold by Prof. Yumoto. The signed letter is attached as pdf; the text of the letter is reproduced below.
Please note that the publisher of this newsletter is Prof. Yumoto and that I am the editor of this newsletter (since it started in 2009). As editor, I am profoundly grateful to Prof. Yumoto for the support and advice he generously provides to me. As such, and as respect for his diverse contributions to the field of space weather research and education, it is my wish that he continues to be the publisher of this newsletter. It is among his legacies.
(1) Change of MAGDAS PI - letter from prof. Kiyohumi Yumoto to prof. Hans Haubold ) see below the text of the letter
If you want to read the original newsletter, click here.
Due to personal health reasons, I wish to inform you that I have decided to step down as the PI of the MAGDAS Project and pass on this baton to Dr. Akimasa Yoshikawa of Kyushu University.
In your capacity as a member of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs and as a member of the ISWI Secretariat, please provide him all the support that you provided me during the many years you and I worked together for the advancement of international space weather science and education.
Allow me to take this opportunity to thank you warmly for the aforementioned support, which included your vocal support for the "Abuja ISWI Resolution" during the UN/Nigeria Workshop on ISWI.
Please also note that on 01 April 2013 the director of International Center for Space Weather Science and Education (ICSWSE) changed from me to Prof. Tohru Hada of Kyushu University.