Today, I forward a letter from the space agency of Japan (JAXA) that I regard as a very important announcement and opportunity. You will find this letter reproduced below in its entirety.
It mentions "an excellent remuneration package". It really is. This opportunity to work at JAXA should be considered by all young persons engaged in the field of space science. It is a "game changer" for your career.
Do not consider only the technical merits of this opportunity. This opportunity also provides the chance to make key, life-long personal contacts that will prove to be invaluable in any long-term career in this line of work. The application dead line is set at the end of August.
If you want to read the original newsletter, click here.
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) International Top Young
Fellowship (ITYF) was established as a prestigious new fellowship program
in 2009. The ITYF is designed to attract outstanding, highly motivated,
early-career researchers in any of the space science fields covered by the
Institute of Space and Astronautical Sciences (ISAS) to work in Japan for
The most recent call for JAXA International Top Young Fellowship (ITYF) applications, for FY2013, has been issued. The . Please see the below link for further details.
Please feel free to forward this information to those who might be interested in it.