ISWI Newsletter - Vol.5 No.72
16 June 2013

Dear ISWI Participant:

I am pleased to attach the First Announcement for ISWI/SCOSTEP School on Space Science October 21 - November 1, 2013, Nairobi, Kenya. The key dead lines are mentioned in this announcement sheet which, by the way, you are free to distribute to your students, colleagues, etc.

Note that this year's school is a continuation of the previous successful schools conducted in Ethiopia (2010), Slovakia (2011), and Indonesia (2012). Moreover, each of these schools generated a compact "School Report". You are encouraged to look at them --- they mainly include photos, not text. They are available at the ISWI website. The click sequence is: "Project" ---> "ISWI Space Science Training".

All school reports are also available through the back-issues archive of the ISWI Newsletter. The entire archive is also located at the ISWI website (many thanks to Mitko for maintaining it for the ISWI Newsletter). The newsletter "Table of Contents" allows you to find back issues easily.

Happy Father's Day and G'day mates,
George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter


(1) Announcement: ISWI/SCOSTEP School on Space Science October 21 - November 1, 2013, Nairobi, Kenya 75 KB pdf, 1 page, (click link to document)

Please note that the ISWI Newsletter office will be closed from June 18 to July 5 because the editor (G. Maeda) must travel to Australia for field work and for attending AOGS conference in Brisbane.

If you want to read the original newsletter, click here.