I have returned from a trip to Australia where two grad students and I attended "2013 AOGS Brisbane" and also performed maintenance work on two MAGDAS magnetometers (Darwin and Cooktown) -- more on this activity in a future issue of this newsletter.
Today I am pleased to present a report on a recent space weather school in Algeria; it is attached as pdf. As an extract from it, here is the introduction to this report:
In the framework of the International Space Weather Initiative
program (ISWI http://ww.iswi-secretariat.org), a first School
of Space Weather, called Space-Weather -ISWI Maghreb 2013
(EIM2013), was organized at the USTHB (Algeria) from
6 to 16 May 2013. For this first edition, we chose to give
lectures and practical trainings on the Sun-Earth system
physics. The EIM2013 brought together 36 participants,
researchers and scientists from the Maghreb that wanted
to learn or acquire a new profile associated with the
proposed theme. The main objectives were:
1) the use the
existing data sets and tools related to Space Weather studies,
2) the participation and contribution to international projects.
This first edition of the EIM2013 will be perpetuated by other schools in the Maghreb with a 2-year period in order to update the knowledge of researchers / students high on the field edge. The benefits of this school are described in the last section of this report.
As you can see, there are several space weather schools taking place in Africa this year. Each school is generating an English-language report. All of these reports are distributed by this newsletter, which continues to publish under a mandate from the United Nations. Anyone can subscribe -- method of subscription is furnished below. Try it ... you can easily cancel your subscription.
(1) Report: First SCHOOL OF SPACE WEATHER MAGHREB EIM 2013, Alger, Algeria, 6-16 May 2013 )
If you want to read the original newsletter, click here.