There are two items today:
(Item 1) This scientific conference will take place later this year: "Mechanics of the Magnetospheric System and Effects on the Polar Regions" Torres del Paine, Patagonia, Chile, October 27 - November 1, 2013
Conference website: are glad to announce the third international conference on hot topics of magnetospheric physics, which will be held in October 2013, in the region of Torres del Paine, close to the city of Punta Arenas, Chile.
Purpose: The main objective of the conference is the discussion of some of the outstanding questions in magnetospheric physics and to emphasize the system aspects of its behavior.
Format: Talks, posters, and audience-participation discussions.
1. Physics of solar-wind/magnetosphere coupling.
2. Energy and mass flow into and through the magnetosphere.
3. Timescales and time lags in the magnetosphere-ionosphere system.
4. Magnetosphere-ionosphere feedback.
5. The polar cap and the auroral zone.
6. Geomagnetic storms.
7. Turbulence and self-organization.
8. Statistical techniques and mathematical models.
9. Scaling laws.
The conference site will be Hotel Rio Serrano, at Torres del Paine in Puerto Natales, Chile.
The hotel website is
Joe Borovsky, Space Science Institute, USA. Email: jborovsky[at]
Marina Stepanova, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile. Email: marina.stepanova[at]
Juan Alejandro Valdivia, Universidad de Chile, Chile. Email: [email protected]
(Item 2)
The "2013 IEEE International Conference on Space Science and
Communication" (IconSpace2013) was held at the historical city of
Malacca, Malaysia, during 1-3 July 2013. The conference theme was:
"Facing the challenges of the solar maximum". Two Phd candidates
of Kyushu University (Nurul Shazana Abdul Hamid of Malaysia and
Magdi Elfadil Yousif Suliman of Sudan) delivered presentations
at this conference;
I attach some photos that they took.
(1) some photos from IconSpace2013 Malacca, Malaysia, 1-3 July 2013 )
If you want to read the original newsletter, click here.