There are two items today:
[1] I am exceedingly pleased to circulate today a 6-page paper from Tunisia. Please view the attached pdf, the first one.
The title, authors, and abstract, are as follows:
Title: New numerical tool SIDLab to monitor Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances (SID)
Ahmed Ammar, Hassen Ghalila
Laboratoire de Spectroscopie Atomique, Moleculaire et Applications
Faculte de Science de Tunis - Universite El Manar
Abstract: The SID/SuperSID receivers[1] are part of the United Nation's International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI). These receivers, tuned in the VLF range, allow the detection of Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances (SID), which affect the VLF radio waves propagation in the earth-ionosphere waveguide and caused by solar flares. We propose here, a useful and convivial numerical tool ‘SIDLab1.0’, dedicated to a fast: detection, identification and classification of these VLF disturbances. Wide public: kids, amateurs and even students and researchers, can quickly and easily integrate it in their analyses. For instance, for a social impact and outreach goal, a public demonstration will be held in Tunis Science City (Tunisia) on 21 Jun 2013, a day called “Solar day” to celebrate the summer solstice.
[2] The second item is the latest Callisto report. Please find it attached as the second pdf to this email.
(1) Ahmed Ammar, Hassen Ghalila New numerical tool SIDLab to monitor Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances (SID) )
(2) CALLISTO status report/news letter #44 )