I have asked to circulate this information to the entire ISWI community. (Please see attached pdf)
Positions in Space Physics:
(1) Post-doctoral researchers,
(2) PhD students and
(3) Coordinator/Planning officer
are available at the University of Oulu within the Centre of Excellence
Research on Solar Long-term Variability and Effects (ReSoLVE) of the
Academy of Finland.
The first funding period covers the years 2014–2016, with a possibility of extension to 2017–2019.
ReSoLVE Centre of Excellence is an integrated research consortium of three research teams located in Oulu and two in Helsinki. ReSoLVE studies the long-term (centennial) magnetic evolution of the Sun, which depicts a dramatic increase in the 20th century and a recent rapid decline, and the effects of this variability to the space around the Sun and to the near-Earth environment, focusing on the long-term evolution of solar poloidal magnetic fields and their role in varying the level of electromagnetic disturbances and the flux of energetic particles in the near-Earth space.
The specific themes of the three ReSoLVE teams working at the University
of Oulu are:
(a) the solar wind and heliospheric magnetic field and their
interaction with the Earth causing electromagnetic disturbances (HELIOS
(b) energetic particles in the near-Earth space (ENERGETIC team) and
(3) cosmic rays and atmospheric ionization (COSMIC team).
Note that the effects of electromagnetic disturbances and energetic particles in the atmosphere are known to cause natural climate forcing whose overall significance is still unknown.
The vibrant atmosphere of challenging front-end research in an international team, as well as the wild beauty of nature of the Northern Finland, including auroral displays, are guaranteed.
A few post-doctoral researcher positions will be filled preferably from 01.01.2014 onwards for 2-3 years, including a 4-month trial period. Extension may be possible if ReSoLVE is continued. PhD in space physics or a closely related field is required. Research experience within the above themes is appreciated. A good command of English is mandatory. Successful candidates are expected to focus on research, but need to devote a fraction of time to supervising PhD students, lecturing and/or other education. The salary for Post-doctoral researcher will be based on the job demand level 5-6 of the salary system for teaching and research staff in use in Finnish universities. In addition, on the basis of personal work performance, up to 46.3% of the job demand level can be paid, the total salary range being 2820–4817 euro/month (http://www.hallinto.oulu.fi/upj/ypj-palkat20130101.pdf). A slightly later start and part-time employment may also be possible.
A number of PhD student positions will be filled preferably from 01.01.2014 onwards for 2-3 years, including a 4-month trial period. MSc degree in space physics or a closely related field is required by the start of the position. A good command of English is mandatory. Successful candidates will perform PhD studies and related research at the University of Oulu under the supervision of the ReSoLVE team leaders. A description of PhD student admission requirements can be found at http://www.oulu.fi/uniogs/. The salary for PhD student will be based on the job demand level 2-4 of the salary system for teaching and research staff in use in Finnish universities. In addition, on the basis of personal work performance, up to 46.3% of the job demand level can be paid, the total salary range being 1944–3558 euro/month (http://www.hallinto.oulu.fi/upj/ypj-palkat20130101.pdf).
A position of Coordinator or Planning officer will be filled from 01.01.2014 onwards for three years, including a 4-month trial period. Extension may be possible if ReSoLVE is continued. PhD degree in physics or related area is required for the Coordinator by 01.01.2014. MSc degree in physics or related field is required for the Planning officer by 01.01.2014. The duties of the Coordinator/Planning officer include, e.g., the practical coordination of the ReSoLVE project, financial and staff issues, organization of meetings and seminars, maintaining web pages, producing PR and educational material, maintaining data archives etc. A good command of Finnish and English is needed. Experience in project administration is appreciated. Planning officer may be/become a part-time PhD student in space physics. Salary for Coordinator/Planning officer is based at the university salary scale (other staff of Finnish Universities), requirement levels 7-10 (basic salary of 2163–3262 euro/month). Additional payments based on individual performance constitute up to 46.3 % of the basic salary (http://www.hallinto.oulu.fi/upj/ypj-palkat20130101.pdf).
Applications submitted by November 15, 2013, will be included for the first round of evaluation and selection, and should be sent by e-mail to Registrar’s office [kirjaamo(at)oulu.fi] and to Prof. Kalevi Mursula [kalevi.mursula(at)oulu.fi]. The entire application must be merged into a single pdf-file and attached to the e-mail including a subject field text “ReSoLVE Application”.
Positions will be filled as long as suitable applicants are found, which is expected to occur by the end of 2013.
Please send in your recruitment news to me for general circulation.
(1) Positions in Space Physics: Post-doctoral researchers, PhD students and Coordinator/Planning officer )
If you want to read the original newsletter, click here.