The pdf attachment for Vol. 4, No. 59, contains an error. The corrected pdf is attached. This is the final poster for UN/Ecuador Workshop on ISWI. It contains an important dead line for those of you who seek travel support to attend this workshop. Please examine the poster carefully. If you wish to apply for travel support, please visit the website mentioned in the poster. (I am just a messenger so please do not send questions about this workshop to me -- refer to this poster.)
The pdf attachment for Vol. 4, No. 58, also contains an error. The corrected pdf is attached. In the previous pdf, I misspelled the given-name part of Dr. Park, who was the organizer of this conference in Korea last week; my apologies to Dr. Park.
Kind regards, George Maeda Editor of ISWI Newsletter Hakozaki Campus, Kyushu University, Japan. |
(1) Corrected Poster for "UN/Ecuador Workshop on ISWI" )
(2) "International Conference on Radiation Belts and Space Weather", corrected photo collage )
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