ISWI Newsletter - Vol.4 No.62
08 June 2012

Dear ISWI Participant:

Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 65/97 and in accordance with recommendations of UNISPACE III, the "UN/Nigeria Workshop on the ISWI" was held in Abuja from 17 to 21 October 2011. The space agency of Nigeria hosted the Workshop on behalf of the Government of Nigeria.

Attached (in six languages) is the official report on this workshop.

The background for this workshop is as follows (from the first page of this report) :

  1. The Third United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNISPACE III), in particular through its resolution entitled "The Space Millennium: Vienna Declaration on Space and Human Development", recommended that activities of the United Nations Programme on Space Applications should promote collaborative participation among Member States, at both the regional and international levels, in a variety of space science and technology activities, by emphasizing the development and transfer of knowledge and skills to developing countries and countries with economies in transition.
  2. At its fifty-third session, in 2010, the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space endorsed the programme of workshops, training courses, symposiums and expert meetings related to socio-economic benefits of space activities, small satellites, basic space technology, human space technology, space weather, global navigation satellite systems and search and rescue planned to be held in 2011.2 Subsequently, the General Assembly, in its resolution 65/97, endorsed the report of the Committee on the work of its fifty-third session.

I hope you will send these translated documents to your scientific colleagues so that they may know how the UN is using science to help developing countries and, at the same time, using developing countries to help science.

Kind regards,
George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter
Hakozaki Campus, Kyushu University, Japan.


(1) Report on the United Nations/Nigeria Workshop on the International Space Weather Initiative (Abuja, 17-21 October 2011) (in Arabic), 221 KB pdf, 14 pages, (click )

(2) Report on the United Nations/Nigeria Workshop on the International Space Weather Initiative (Abuja, 17-21 October 2011) (in Chinese), 402 KB pdf, 8 pages, (click )

(3) Report on the United Nations/Nigeria Workshop on the International Space Weather Initiative (Abuja, 17-21 October 2011) (in English), 65 KB pdf, 10 pages,, (click )

(4) Report on the United Nations/Nigeria Workshop on the International Space Weather Initiative (Abuja, 17-21 October 2011) (in French), 239 KB pdf, 11 pages, (click )

(5) Report on the United Nations/Nigeria Workshop on the International Space Weather Initiative (Abuja, 17-21 October 2011) (in Russian), 340 KB pdf, 12 pages, (click )

(6) Report on the United Nations/Nigeria Workshop on the International Space Weather Initiative (Abuja, 17-21 October 2011) (in Spanish), 253 KB pdf, 12 pages, (click )

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