The organizers of this conference have released the following document. It is quite good: <>
It is basically a Thank You Letter --- but it has much more. You can download most of the presentation files from this conference. You can also view lots of photos from this conference. So please check it out.
By the way, today is the Abstract Dead Line for the AGU Chapman Conference in Ethiopia in November. See ISWI Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 64, for details. I will present a talk at this conference on MAGDAS and other magnetometer arrays in Africa.
Most respectfully yours, George Maeda Editor of ISWI Newsletter Hakozaki Campus, Kyushu University, Japan. |
(1) Young-Deuk Park Thank You Letter to Participants in International Conference on Radiation Belts
and Space Weather, Daejeon, Korea )
If you want to read the original newsletter, click here.