The complete report for this school is attached as a 1.7 MB pdf. It came to me with the following comments from Prof. Rabiu of Nigeria:
Dear All,
It is with great pleasure that I am sending you the report on the 1st CYRIL ONWUMECHILI SCHOOL ON PHYSICS OF GEOMAGNETIC PHENOMENA which took place in Nigeria between 24th and 30th June 2012. It was hosted by the Dept. of Physics, Federal University of Technology, Akure, FUTA, Nigeria. I led the organization of series of such activities as part our global concern in Space weather science. This very School was co-organized by the Atmospheric and Space Environment Research Network ASPERN Africa, and the Space Physics Laboratory, Department of Physics, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria Cyril Onwumechili School on Physics of Geomagnetic Phenomena is an initiative aimed at: building capacity in Physics of Geomagnetic phenomena; transfer advanced knowledge and modern data analysis techniques to trainees; and highlighting the outstanding contributions of Professor Cyril Agodi Onwumechili to Physics of Geomagnetic Phenomena. This first School focused on the basics of geomagnetic phenomena and modern techniques in geomagnetic data analysis. This program is expected to serve as a model for capacity building in this field in Africa. It is my thinking that national programs can be more achieving, and still be cheaper in terms of transport logistics compared with continental program, for a continent like our own strategic Africa. The School was rightly named after the foremost African geomagnetic physicist, Professor Cyril Agodi Onwumechili, who has made significant contribution to the development of Physics of geomagnetic Phenomena. Professor C. A. Onwumechili, who hailed from Inyi (Enugu state, South Eastern part of Nigeria), started his career as academic staff at the University of Ibadan in the 1950s and has over 200 research publications to his credit. This report can be circulated freely within the scientific community.
Best regards ,
Professor Babatunde Rabiu Ph.D. |
With respect to the above, I received as a CC the following message from Dr. Endawoke Yizengaw (of Ethiopia) to Prof. Rabiu:
Very impressive indeed!! I can see how your broden national activities can be a role model for other African colleagues. Please keep this up!!! I owe you a beer in Addis Ababa at the chapman conference for your marvelous job Yours, Endawoke
Endawoke Yizengaw (PhD)
Senior Research Scientist Institute for Scientific Research Boston College Tel: 617-552-0146 |
Cordially yours forever, George Maeda Editor of ISWI Newsletter Hakozaki Campus, Kyushu University, Japan. |
(1) Complete Report on the 1st Cyril Onwumechili School on Physics of Geomagnetic Phenomena, )
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