ISWI Newsletter - Vol.4 No.103
03 October 2012

Dear ISWI Participant:

(1) There are two attached (pdf) files from SARA, "Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers." They concern a conference announcement.

(2) The following message is from Katya GEORGIEVA (Associate Editor-in-Chief of "Sun and Geosphere"):

Issues No.1 and No.2 of Volume 7 of the journal "Sun and Geosphere" (published by the Balkan, Black Sea and Caspian Sea Regional Network on Space Weather Studies) are already online. You can freely access all papers at

You can online submit manuscripts at

18 Sept 2012.

(3) Finally, please find attached "Report on the Joint US-Germany Space Weather Summer Camp 2012".

You are invited to send in your space weather activity reports so that the entire ISWI community can see what kinds of activities are occurring here and there.

Faithfully forever yours,
George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter
Hakozaki Campus, Kyushu University, Japan.


(1) Announcement 2013 SARA Western Regional Conference February 9 and 10, 2013, Socorro, New Mexico, USA 208 KB pdf, 1 page, (click )

(2) Call for Papers 2013 SARA Western Regional Conference February 9 and 10, 2013, Socorro, New Mexico, USA 80 KB pdf, 1 page, (click )

(3) Report on the Joint US-Germany Space Weather Summer Camp 2012 8th July - 5th August 2012, US-Germany 1421 KB pdf, 5 pages, (click )

If you want to read the original newsletter, click here.