Please note that this newsletter will be closed from Oct 7 to 20, as I must attend UN/Ecuador Workshop on ISWI, and install a magnetometer (MAGDAS 9) in Ecuador, near Quito.
There are three items today:(1) The first pdf if the latest status report from the CALLISTO Project, which is largely conducted by Christian Monstein in Switzerland. Incidentally, he recently lectured at "ISWI and MAGDAS School" in West Java, Indonesia. I thought it was the best presentation of the school. In addition, he was able to provide to the space agency of Indonesia (LAPAN) the country's first CALLISTO instrument. In the coming months, LAPAN will have it installed at a suitable site in the archipelago of Indonesia. Great job, Christian ! I like your photos of local cuisine in your slides.
(2) The next pdf is the pamphlet for SCOSTEP's "International CAWSES-II Symposium" set for Nagoya, Japan, during Nov 18-22, 2013. Mark your calendars for this one !
(3) Finally, the last pdf is a paper submitted to this office by Dr Nat Gopalswamy: "Properties of Ground Level Enhancement Events and the Associated Solar Eruptions During Solar Cycle 23".
Your most humble ISWI servant, George Maeda Editor of ISWI Newsletter Hakozaki Campus, Kyushu University, Japan. |
(1) e-CALLISTO status report #36 1 September 2012 )
(2) Pamphlet forSCOSTEP's "International CAWSES-II Symposium" Nagoya, Japan, Nov 18-22, 2013 )
(3) N. Gopalswamy, H. Xie, S. Yashiro, S. Akiyama, P. Mäkelä, I.G. Usoskin (2012) Properties of Ground Level Enhancement Events and the Associated Solar Eruptions During Solar Cycle 23
Space Sci Rev Vol.171, Numbers 1-4, pp.23-60, DOI:10.1007/s11214-012-9890-4 )
If you want to read the original newsletter, click here.