There are three news items today as well:
(1) Attached is another outstanding CALLISTO status report by Christian Monstein in Switzerland. One photo in it was taken by me during the recent "2012 ISWI and MAGDAS School" in Indonesia; Christian sells a Callisto spectrometer unit on the spot to LAPAN (the national space agency of Indonesia). His pace of instrument deployment is truly fantastic. My hat is off to Christian for his energy and passion.
(2) During the recent IAU General Assembly in Beijing, China, the Working Group on International Collaboration in Space Weather held a half-day meeting. Attached is the report. Many thanks to Dr David Webb for sending it in to this office.
(3) Finally, Dr Mahrous of Helwan University, Egypt, is seeking to measure some of the rainfall in the Nile River region in his country. He plans to use a GPS-based technique. Attached as the third pdf today is his plan for this extensive measurement effort. It stands a good chance of being approved by the Egyptian government, as the data is crucial for future regional planning and policy-making. Dr Mahrous: Please keep us posted on further developments. We know that this system can be used for more than just measuring rainfall.
So, ladies and gents of the ISWI community, please keep the news coming in to this office.
Cordially yours forever, George Maeda Editor of ISWI Newsletter Hakozaki Campus, Kyushu University, Japan. |
(1) e-Callisto status report, #37 )
(2) Report of the Meeting of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), Division II Working Group on International Collaboration in Space Weather at the IAU General Assembly )
(3) Project proposal MONITORING OF THE WATER VAPOUR IN THE TROPOSPHERE ALONG THE NIL, Dr Mahrous of Helwan University, Egypt )
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