I was away to attend "AGU Chapman Conference Ethiopia" and to install a magnetometer near Durban, South Africa. Tomorrow I leave for "AGU Fall Meeting" in San Francisco. After that, I will catch up on my email; please bear with me.
Incidentally, I want to congratulate the new officers of "African Geospace Society". They were all elected during the aforementioned Chapman Conference in Addis Ababa. This society will produce a formal announcement ... which naturally will be circulated by this newsletter ... so stay tuned to this channel.
The item for today:
The UN Office for Outer Space Affairs has asked me
to circulate the two attached documents. They are:
(1) "Space Weather Societal Impacts Workshop and Seminar at the 55th Meeting of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space" an article in journal "SPACE WEATHER"
(2) Putting the “I” in I*Y 2007
Part of UN Document A/AC.105/823:
Report of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee
(of UN COPUOS) on its forty first session, held in Vienna
from 16 to 27 February 2004, pages 27-29 (paras 151-158).
(see the pdf for the rest).
The first document is a write-up on the workshop that was held earlier this year during the UN COPUOS gathering in Vienna please refer to this web-site (click here) .
Sincerely, George Maeda Editor of ISWI Newsletter Hakozaki Campus, Kyushu University, Japan. |
(1) James Head, and Hans Haubold (2012), Space Weather Societal Impacts Workshop and Seminar at the 55th Meeting of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, Space Weather, 10, S11007, doi.10.1029/2012SW000874 )
(2) The text is contained in UN Document A/AC.105/823: Report of
the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee (of UN COPUOS) on its fortyfirst
session, held in Vienna from 16 to 27 February 2004, pages 27-29 )
If you want to read the original newsletter, click here.