ISWI Newsletter - Vol.3 No.46
03 May 2011

Dear ISWI Participant:

There are two websites now open for your consideration with respect to "UN/Nigeria Workshop on ISWI". They are:

(1) (maintained by United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, UNOOSA)

(2) (maintained by Nigeria, the host of the workshop)

The following text (from UNOOSA) partly explains these two websites:

Since 2005 (UAE, India, Japan, Bulgaria, Korea, Egypt, Nigeria, Ecuador), the workshop host countries/institutions maintain the official websites for their UN workshops. Nigeria maintains fully the website for the UN/Nigeria workshop. All these workshops are part of annual schedules of activities of the United Nations Programme on Space Applications, endorsed by UNCOPUOS and subsequently by UNGA resolutions.

To show this, UNOOSA provides a webpage for each of the annual activities of the Programme. This is the reason that we have a fully developed website (Nigeria) and a webpage (UNOOSA) that can be used to apply to participate/contribute to the workshop. On-line applications received by Nigeria and UNOOSA will all appear in one file to be used by the International Scientific Organizing Committee (ISOC) for selection of prospective workshop participants (funded and self-funded).

    Editor's Note:
  • UNOOSA is U.N. Office for Outer Space Affairs (Vienna, Austria) WEB page
  • UNCOPUOS is U.N. Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space WEB page
  • UNGA is U.N. General Assembly (New York City) WEB page

Please note the various dead lines for this workshop in Nigeria.

Most cordially yours,
George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter
Hakozaki Campus, Kyushu University, Japan.

If you want to read the original newsletter, click here.