ISWI Newsletter - Vol.3 No.79
06 September 2011

Dear ISWI Participant:

This summer a new MAGDAS unit was installed at Khovd, Mongolia. (For details, please refer to ISWI Newsletter Vol. 3, No. 73.) Recently, a major improvement occurred at this station; see attached "new fence" pdf. The main purpose of this new fence is to keep out intruders (cars, people, etc.) and to keep them away from sensitive instruments (such as SERC's MAGDAS 9 magnetometer, the green dot in the lower photo). These improvements are costly but are needed to improve the quality of magnetometer data. Vehicles put spike noise into the data, for example.

The installation of MAGDAS 9 at Khovd brings the total MAGDAS station count to 57. All MAGDAS stations are listed in the other pdf that is attached. The stations are listed in alphabetical order by 3-letter station code. The code for Khovd is "HVD", for example, and can be found in this table.

If the CALLISTO group can generate a similar table I will be happy to send it around !

Enthusiastically yours,
George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter
Hakozaki Campus, Kyushu University, Japan.


(1) Improvement of station at Khovd , Mongolia (Photos), 760 KB pdf, 1 page, (click )

(2) Current List of all MAGDAS Stations July 26, 2011, 555 KB pdf, 4 pages, (click )