to see events in 2010-2011 period click here
Communication on Graz workshop updated on September 30, 2012 (click here)
In this list:Added on February 26, 2012
updated on December 12, 2012
The proceedings of the ISSTP 2012 will be published in
the ASI Conference Series of the Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India
Summary Report
This meeting under the aegis of the SCOSTEP is expected to draw leading scientists from around the world in the increasingly important, interdisciplinary fields of Solar activity and its impact on geospace and life on the Earth. With major observational solar facilities being planned in India, this meeting is especially pertinent in the Indian context.
The meeting is expected to involve professional scientists as well as graduate students, and will have a mixture of invited and contributed talks and posters. There will also be a one-day tutorial for the benefit of young people beginning work in the field of solar-terrestrial physics.
the symposium website (click here)
Topics, Dead lines, Registration ? Read more...Topics | |
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Early registration deadline: July 31 2012
Abstract submission deadline: July 31 2012
Please mail following information to [email protected]:
(A) Name:
(B) Postal Address:
(C) e-mail address:
(D) Phone number including international country code:
(E) Number of accompanying persons, if any:
(F) How would you like to contribute to the meeting:
(a) Oral talk (b) Poster presentation (c) None
(G) What kind of accommodation would you prefer:
(a) Guest house accommodation (approx Rs 500/USD 10 per day) (b) 3 star hotel accommodation (approx USD 80 per day) (c) 5 star hotel accommodation (approx USD 160 per day)
You may click here to download a text file you can fill in and e-mail to [email protected]
Added on February 27, 2012
abstract deadline updated on March 30, 2012
The aim of this conference with theme ‘New Horizon from RBSP’ is to discuss and review scientific issues in magnetospheric physics and the technical information related to the RBSP (Radiation Belt Storm Probes) Mission.
This conference is indeed a fundamental ground for exchanging expected research outputs for the RBSP and its related areas.
the Conference website (click here)
Science topics associated with RBSP mission
Modeling, simulation, and theory of radiation belt
Energy coupling processes between ionosphere,
plasmasphere, ring current and radiation belt
Influence of the solar storms on the Earth’s
Current space weather issues
Important Dates
Abstract Submission: March 1 (Thu.)~ April 13 (Fri.), 2012 changed on 30 March
Registration: March 1 (Thu.) ~ April 30 (Mon.), 2012
Type | Advanced Registration (March 1 ~ April 30) |
On-Site Registration (After April 31) |
Regular Registration | $ 200 | $ 250 |
Student Registration | $ 150 | $ 200 |
Accompanying Person | $ 100 | $ 150 |
Added on February 28, 2012
update on March 28, 2012 First Circular
abstract deadline updated on June 23, 2012 see Second Circular
Long-term changes to Earth’s atmosphere are becoming more and more relevant to the future of our world and it is paramount that we quantify and understand changes occurring at all levels within the coupled atmospheric system. The increasing concentration of greenhouse gases, stratospheric ozone depletion, varying solar and geomagnetic activity, secular change of Earth’s magnetic field, and changing dynamics propagating up from the troposphere are some of the possible causes of long-term changes in the stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere. The goals of this workshop are to review the current state of knowledge about trends in these atmospheric regions, and to discuss what research is necessary for resolving inconsistencies, reducing uncertainties, and achieving a deeper understanding of middle and upper atmospheric climate change - especially the relative influences of anthropogenic and solar effects.
We welcome papers using all types of observational techniques to determine the long-term changes and trends that have occurred in the past and also to determine the processes behind those changes.
The previous Workshops on Long-Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere were: (1) 1999 Pune, India; (2) 2001 Prague, Czech Republic; (3) 2004 Sozopol, Bulgaria; (4) 2006 Sodankyla, Finland; (5) 2008 Saint Petersburg, Russia; (6) 2010 Boulder, Colorado, USA
Scientific Themes, Important Dates, Registration, WEB site ? Read more...The website of the Workshop is:
Registration Form
Visa Requirements
Scientific Themes
New insight from satellite data (e.g., TIMED, OMI, etc.)
and international collaborations (e.g., NDMC, CAWSES Activities,
New statistical approaches in trend detection:
nonlinearities, discontinuities, and uncertainties
Gravity waves and changing climate
Influence of tropospheric and stratospheric trends
on upper atmospheric climate
Drivers of trends and? trends in middle and upper
atmospheric dynamical parameters
Emerging trends in the mesosphere, including NLC/PMCs
Attribution of trends in the thermosphere and ionosphere
(including trends in irregularties and turbulence) to
anthropogenic forcing, geomagnetism, and solar climate
Whole-atmosphere climate change: Impacts, adaptation,
mitigation, and geo-engineering
Important Dates | |
Deadline for Abstract Submission: ( ) | June 30, 2012 |
Deadline for Financial Support Application: ( ) | June 25, 2012 |
Decision about Financial Support: | July 10, 2012 |
Communication of Abstract Acceptance | July 10, 2012 |
All participants are kindly requested to register filling in the personal details of the Registration Form, available here.
Email the filled Registration Form to: aelias[at] or anagelias[at]
In the mail Subject please write: TREND 2012 Registration. The registration process is finished once you receive a confirmation mail.
Registration Fee
Participant (170 USD),
Young Scientist (120 USD),
Students (120 USD),
Accompanying Person (100 USD)
The registration fee must be paid at the Workshop. It can be paid in US dollars (USD) or the equivalent in Argentine pesos. Registration fee for workshop participants (regular and young scientist/student) include: participation in all sessions, conference folder with printed Programme Book including Abstracts, welcome dinner, city tour.
close additional textAdded on March 11, 2012 UN Summary Report
A five-day workshop on global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) technology and its applications in Riga, Latvia, from 14 to 18 May 2012 is being organized by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) in cooperation with the Government of Latvia, the United States of America through the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG) and the European Space Agency (ESA), as part of the activities of the United Nations Programme on Space Applications, for the benefit of the countries in Europe. The Workshop will be hosted by the Latvian Geospatial Information Agency on behalf of the Government of Latvia.
Workshop participants will discuss how GNSS-enabling technology can strengthen a network of national reference stations and promote the interoperability of navigation, positioning and timing systems in the region. An overview of a wide range of GNSS applications existing today and prospects for the future, in areas such as surveying, mapping and asset management, precision agriculture, engineering and construction, aviation and maritime, as well as space weather monitoring will be provided.
"Information note" and "Application FORM" (in PDF format) were attached to ISWI Newsletter V4 No29 (click here)
on-line application form is available here
Session 1: Current and planned global and regional navigation satellite systems and satellite-based
augmentation systems
Programme updates-GNSS: Global Positioning System (GPS), GLObal NAvigation Satellite
System (GLONASS), European Satellite Navigation System (GALILEO), COMPASS/BeiDou
Navigation Satellite Systems (CNSS), Indian Regional Navigation System (IRNSS), Quasi-
Zenith Satellite System (QZSS)
GNSS space-based augmentation systems: Wide-Area Augmentation System (WAAS), System of
Differential Correction and Monitoring (SDCM), the European Geostationary Navigation
Overlay Service (EGNOS), GPS Aided Geo-Augmented Navigation (GAGAN), the Multifunctional
Transport Satellite Satellite-based Augmentation System (MSAS)
Session 2: Initiatives/experiences in GNSS user applications: Case studies and opportunities for
New capabilities in efficiency and safety across all modes of transportation: aviation, maritime, rail and highway
Applications in surveying and mapping, geodesy, science and timing, environment, agriculture, and remote sensing with GNSS and integrated sensors
Observation of space weather phenomena through the deployment of ground-based world-wide
instrument arrays such as GPS receivers, magnetometers, solar telescopes, very low frequency
(VLF) monitors, solar particle detectors, and data analysis and the sharing of recorded data
Session 3: GNSS reference station networks and services
Regional and national reference frames/systems implementation
International GNSS Service (IGS) and other initiatives, multi-GNSS environment
Session 4: Capacity building, training and education in the field of GNSS
Education and training programmes
GNSS education tools
Discussion Sessions
Issues, concerns and approaches for pilot projects/initiatives, requirements of implementing, mechanisms and resources of implementing
Possible follow-up projects and initiatives and proposals for future workshops/training courses
Within the limited financial resources available, a limited number of selected participants will be offered financial support to attend the Workshop. This financial support will defray the cost of travel (a round trip ticket – most economic fare – between the airport of international departure in their home country and Riga, Latvia) and/or the room and board expenses during the duration of the Workshop.
Deadline for Submission of Applications and AbstractsThe completed application form together with the presentation abstract, properly endorsed by the applicant's Government/institution, should be submitted to the Office for Outer Space Affairs, United Nations Office at Vienna, Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 500, A-1400, Vienna, Austria, no later than Friday, 16 March 2012. Please note that on-line application form is available on the web site of the Office for Outer Space Affairs at the following address:
All candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for the workshop online, as it helps to streamline the processing of applications as well as helps applicants to save their time.
close additional textAdded on June 14, 2012
For presentations please click here.
January 09, 2013 Final UN report .
web link
More and more countries are interested in establishing own basic capacities in space technology development and also in access to- and use of diverse space-based data.
In this context, a new Graz Symposium series is proposed starting with 2012. The new series will attempt to address various space-based data analysis and workflows, data availability and data sharing status as well as future opportunities, with a view to facilitate better and easier access to such data and resulting analytical products for general and wide-scale scientific benefit and also in support of decision making processes. Also, as 2012 is the year of the Rio+20 Summit and the initiation of discussions for a post-2015 global development strategy, the Symposium series will look at how various space-based data availability and analysis could support that global development agenda, and how it could help address or monitor the various sustainable development goals and targets set by the United Nations and its Member States in achieving a sustainable development of our Planet.
The focus in 2012 will be on Space Weather data sources, in-situ and space-borne, related networks and potential analysis scenarios including wider access to such data and analysis results. The topic is also timely in light of the predicted maximum solar activity during the 2012-2013 period, and the impact that it could have on the World.
Deadline for Submission of Applications: no later than Friday, 29 June 2012 deadline for registration has been extended up to 15 July 2012.
Submission of Applications ? (click here) (
(a) Review the latest status of deployed space weather instrument arrays, in light of the expansion of initial arrays, their specific data collection workflows, data access and sharing protocols.
(b) Examine the available data analysis tools and skills as developed or customized by institutions and array operators or users, identify potential gaps and needs
(c) Promote active cooperation among the various array communities and a cross-cutting exploitation of the collected data, based on expressed needs, leading to the growth of a network of centres of excellence focusing on analysis of space weather data for research and education.
(d) Expand data analysis efforts for the full set of space weather-related data and other relevant databases, with a view to enable also Space Weather forecasting and to potentially use the analytical results for various decision-making processes
(e) Discuss the way forward and potential concrete coordinated activities
2012 Symposium ProgrammeParticipants: Applicants must generally have a university degree and well-established professional working experience in a field related to the theme of the Symposium. Applicants should ideally be involved in the planning, implementation or operation of data arrays, in relevant organizations, international or national, research or academic institutions or industry.
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