ISWI Newsletter - Vol.2 No.42
25 May 2010

Dear ISWI Participant:

This is a reminder that the official ISWI logo is available in two text-less versions -- please see ISWI Newsletters Vol. 2, Nos. 39 40 and 41.

  • No. 39 : official version (the ISWI logo)
  • No. 40 : some text removed (hence not official)
  • No. 41 : more text removed (hence more unofficial)
Text is removed so that you can fill in with the script of your own language, so that a customized logo is used inside of your country during the ISWI period (2010 through 2012). If your customized logo is created and approved by your country's ISWI national coordinator, then I shall be happy to circulate it via this newsletter. (Please send as pdf.)

Also, I take this opportunity to bring to your attention the "New and Improved" ISWI Newsletter Archive at (the ISWI website). It now contains the "Master Table of Contents" (which I maintain at the ISWI Newsletter Office, Kyushu University, Japan). The website itself is maintained by Mitko, of Bulgaria. With this major improvement of the Archive, you can easily download the attachment files of any ISWI Newsletter issue -- including the text-less versions of the ISWI logo.
George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter
Hakozaki Campus, Kyushu University, Japan.

If you want to read the original newsletter, click here

    Notes from the WEB-admin
  • Please, if you find any error or omission on this site to contact me immediately. My e-mail is mitkodanov[at]
Please find below the logo (88Kb, GIF image).