ISWI Newsletter - Vol.7 No.01
01 January 2015

Dear ISWI Participant:

This is the first issue of Volume 7 -- this year (2015) marks the seventh year of publication of the ISWI Newsletter. I would like to thank the ISWI community for its ongoing support of this newsletter, as well as for the ongoing support for the ISWI Website maintained by my colleague Mitko in Bulgaria. Among other things, his website hosts the archive for this newsletter -- there you can find all newsletter back-issues, going back to Issue 001 of Volume 1.

On this most auspicious day, the First Day of Year 2015, I ask for your continued support and I ask that you continue to send in material that will be of interest to the entire ISWI community. Knowledge is created through sharing and inter-action.

George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter


[1] Abstract deadline for upcoming EGU (April 12-17, 2015, in Vienna, Austria) (read it)

[2] Third announcement of the 14th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy (ISEA-14) Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, October 19-23, 2015. (read it)

[3] Session ST24: "Solar activity, Space Weather and Space Climate" in SCOSTEP's VarSITI program; 2015 AOGS Annual Meeting August 2-7, 2015, Singapore, (read it)

[4] Request for IDL script from the PI of the Callisto Project. (read it)

[5] Snow in Fukuoka (read it)

[6] Holiday greetings from ICSWSE International Center for Space Weather Science and Education, host of 2015 UN/Japan Workshop on Space Weather (read it)

[1] Abstract deadline for upcoming EGU (April 12-17, 2015, in Vienna, Austria)

From: Manuela Temmer <manuela.temmer[at]>
Subject: EGU 2015 (abstract deadline January 7, 2015 13CET)
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:56:10 +0100

Dear colleagues,

The interdisciplinary approach of EGU reflects the spirit of VarSITI.

I would therefore like to draw your attention to the upcoming EGU (April 12-17, 2015 in Vienna, Austria), and interesting sessions: ST - Solar-Terrestrial Sciences

Please consider participation and send your abstracts before January 7, 2015. Thanks!

Best, Manuela
Manuela Temmer
Institute of Physics, University of Graz
Universitaetsplatz 5, 8010 Graz, Austria

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[2] Third announcement of ISEA-14

Dear ISWI members,

Attached please find the third announcement of the 14th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy (ISEA-14) which will be held at Bahir Dar University, in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia on October 19-23, 2015. Abstract submission due date is April 17, 2015. For details, please take a look at

Best regards, Endawoke
Endawoke Yizengaw (PhD)
Senior Scientist of Space Science
Institute for Scientific Research
Boston College
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-3862
Phone: 617-552-0146; FAX: 617-552-2818
Email: [email protected]

For more details see the first attached file

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[3] Session ST24: "Solar activity, Space Weather and Space Climate" at 2015 AOGS Annual Meeting August 2-7, 2015, Singapore

Dear colleagues,

We cordially invite you to participate in the 12th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, to be held in Singapore from 2 to 7 August 2015 ( and to submit abstracts to session ST24. Solar activity, Space Weather and Space Climate in SCOSTEP’s VarSITI program.

For more details see the second attached file

(Sent in by Katya Georgieva)

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[4] Can anyone help Mr Monstein with his script search?

His request is the following:
Hi George,

I have no news, but I'm seaching for an IDL script or IDL-function which provides the /ALLAN-Time variance/ or /ALLAN-Time deviation/ of a time-series (lightcurve). May be one of your readers has already written such a code which I'd like to re-use.

I was googling for two days now and found only one script on the Web which produces wrong results. May be you can put my request into your news-letter?

I wish you all the best and a Happy New Year.


(Sent in by C. Monstein)

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[5] We seldom get snow in Fukuoka -- but not never.

For big image see the third attached file

(Sent in by G. Maeda)

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[6] Short news from ICSWSE International Center for Space Weather Science and Education, at Kyushu University.

See the last attached file

(Sent in by K.Goto)

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**************[ End of this issue of the ISWI Newsletter ]******************

(1) Third announcement of ISEA-14 601 KB pdf, one page (click link to document)

(2) Invitation to 2015 AOGS Annual Meeting August 2-7, 2015, Singapore 598 KB pdf, one page (click link to document)

(3) Snow in Fukuoka 616 KB pdf, one page (click link to document)

(4) Holiday Greetings from ICSWSE 1 618 KB pdf, one page (click link to document)

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