Dear ISWI Participant:
I want to thank Christian Monstein, Ueno-sensei (Kyoto University), Christine Amory, Hans Haubold, Mitko (webmaster of the ISWI Web Site), and Werner Balogh, for sending in material for this issue. Send your material to maeda[at] with the subject "FOR ISWI NEWSLETTER". This newsletter currently has 473 subscribers from all corners of the world, and has been published under UN auspices since 2009. Subscriptions are free of charge.
[1] Callisto news-letter/status report (read it)
[2] NASA: Sun stripped away Martian atmosphere, article from The Japan News, November 7, 2015 (read it)
[3] Report from the CHAIN PROJECT of Kyoto University (installation of new FMT in Saudi Arabia) (read it)
[4] Achievements in Space Science : Capacity building GIRGEA: 1991-2015 by Christine Amory-Mazaudier (read it)
[5] Two messages regarding "2012 UN/Ecuador Workshop on ISWI" (read it)
[6] Messages about "2015 UN/Japan Workshop on Space Weather" and other topics from UNOOSA (read it)
[1] Callisto news-letter/status report
The Sun was quite active yesterday. The latest report shows some nice plots
of type II and other bursts you captured with your instruments.
Congratulations to everyone contributing data to the e-Callisto network.
Old reports can be found here:
Best regards,
(Sent in by Christian Monstein
[2] NASA: Sun stripped away Martian atmosphere, article from The Japan News, November 7, 2015
(Sent in by G. Maeda
[3] Report from the CHAIN PROJECT of Kyoto University (installation of new FMT in Saudi Arabia)
(Sent in by Satoru UeNo
[4] Achievements in Space Science : Capacity building GIRGEA: 1991-2015
Keynotes/ ISEA - Ethiopia/ 19-23 October 2015 .
(Sent in by Christine Amory-Mazaudier
Sorbonne Paris, UPMC Univ. Paris VI, LPP, Paris, France T/ICT4D,
Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
[5] Two messages regarding "2012 UN/Ecuador Workshop on ISWI"
#1This is right, the proceedings book of the ISWI UN/Ecuador Workshop already have been printed. We just started to distribution the book to participants and researchers involved in space weather topics. The distribute goes slowly in dependence of local funds. The Ecuadorian post service is too expensive. However, we expect to find the right way to rise the neccesary resource to cover the payment for the international delivery of the books.
Greetings from Vienna.
It would be helpful if you could announce the availability of
the printed Proceedings of the 2012 UN/Ecuador Workshop on ISWI.
This was the 20th workshop of the UN BSSI:
The ISWI Newsletter Vol. 5, No. 125, 2013 refers to the special edition of "Sun and Geosphere Vol. 9, No. 1 and No. 2, 2014" dedicated to the UN/Ecuador workshop.
We all are looking forward to receive the Proceedings. Following past practice I will make efforts to draw international attention to this publication. Professor E. Lopez and staff of the Astronomical Observatory of Quito made the workshop unforgettable for all those who participated in the workshop.
What a beautiful Astronomical Observatory!
Best regards,
(Sent in by G. Maeda
[6] Messages about "2015 UN/Japan Workshop on Space Weather" and other topics from UNOOSA
Kindly note that the "Report on the United Nations/Japan Workshop on Space Weather: Science and Data Products from International Space Weather Initiative Instruments (Fukuoka, Japan, 2-6 March 2015)" has now been issued in all six United Nations languages under document number A/AC.105/1096.
You can download the document via
or via the Workshop webpage at
or from ISWI-SECRETARIAT web-site (this site)
as 193KB, 15 pages PDF
I would also like to take this opportunity to update you on the following activities of the United Nations Programme on Space Applications that may be of interest to you or your colleagues:
1) United Nations/Japan Long-term Fellowship Programme
2016 Post-graduate study on Nano-Satellite Technologies
(PNST) (Kitakyushu, Japan) We are accepting applications for
this programme until 24 January 2016. For details please see
2) United Nations/Japan Cooperation Programme on CubeSat Deployment from the International Space Station (ISS) Japanese Experiment Module (Kibo) "KiboCUBE" . We are accepting applications for this programme until 31 March 2016. For details please see
3) Fellowship Programme for "Drop Tower Experiment Series" (DropTES) We are accepting applications for this programme until 31 March 2016. For details please see
Please also note that the 2016 Schedule of Activities of the
United Nations Programme on Space Applications will be updated
in the coming weeks and is available from
With best regards, Werner Balogh
(Sent in by Werner Balogh
(1) Callisto news-letter/status report #59 )
(2) NASA: Sun stripped away Martian atmosphere, article from The Japan News, November 7, 2015 )
(3) Report from the CHAIN PROJECT of Kyoto University )
(4) Achievements in Space Science: Capacity building GIRGEA: 1991-2015 )