Dear ISWI Participant:
This is the July 1st issue -- there was no mid-June issue.
This newsletter is a free service to the entire ISWI community. If you want to publicize something that is related to space weather, please send it to me. Usually there are two issues per month.
[1] IGRGEA LETTER International Geophysical Research Group/Europe-Africa, Number 55; May 2016 (read it)
[2] Presentation file: "GNSS, SPACE WEATHER and CAPACITY BUILDING" European Space Solutions / Bringing Space to the Earth. 30 May - 03 June, 2016, Hague, Netherlands (read it)
[3] Request for Information: Future Directions in Solar Terrestrial Physics, from the President of SCOSTEP (read it)
[4] CALLISTO status report/newsletter #63 (read it)
[5] Status report on solar radio observations in Slovakia, by Ivan Dorotovic (read it)
[1] IGRGEA LETTER International Geophysical Research Group/Europe-Africa, Number 55; May 2016
(Sent in by Christine Amory)
(Sent in by Christine Amory)
[3] Request for Information: Future Directions in Solar Terrestrial Physics
SCOSTEP has initiated an effort to develop community consensus in defining its future activities based on surveys of (i) current status, (ii) knowledge gap, (iii) future directions in observations and modeling to fill the gaps. As a first step, a COSPAR-SCOSTEP Joint Session on Solar Terrestrial Physics has been organized during the 41st COSPAR scientific assembly in Istanbul on two days (August 5-6, 2016).
SCOSTEP scientific discipline representatives (SDRs), COSPAR Main Scientific Organizers (MSOs) and SCOSTEP/VarSITI leaders will be official delegates to this joint session and contribute to the discussion. All participants of the COSPAR scientific assembly are also invited to attend the session.
(Sent in by Nat Gopalswamy, SCOSTEP President)
[4] CALLISTO status report/newsletter #63
New station commissioned in Austria
Recently a new Callisto solar radio-spectrometer has been set into
operation at observatory ANTARES in Michelstadt, Austria.
Due to the fact that the observatory is on top of a hill, the instrument
is suffering from interference given the good sight to all surrounding
transmitters. We are currently trying to filter a smaller part of a
clean spectrum.
Congratulation to this achievement and welcome on board to eCallisto.
(Sent in by C. Monstein)
[5] Status report on solar radio observations in Slovakia, Ivan Dorotovic
This status report from Slovakia consists of two files. See them in attachment #5 and #6
(Sent in by Ivan Dorotovic)
(1) IGRGEA LETTER, 349 KB pdf, 7 pages (click )
(2) Christine Amory-Mazaudier and GIRGEA TEAM GNSS, SPACE WEATHER and CAPACITY BUILDING, 2 235 KB pdf, 22 pages (click )
(3) , 113 KB pdf, one page (click )
(4) CALLISTO, status report/newsletter #63918 KB pdf, 7 pages (click )
(5) Poster Solar Radio Spectrometers in Slovakia –status report, 692 KB pdf, one page (click )
(6) I.Dorotovic, J.Karlovsky,V.Karlovsky Solar Radio Spectrometers in Slovakia–status report on registration of solarradiobursts, 2 372 KB pdf, 10 pages (click )