Dear ISWI Participant:
I am just back from "2018 ALC - African Leadership Conference for Space Science and Technology", hosted by NASRDA in Abuja, Nigeria, during 5-7 Nov. 2018. I met many of you there. NASRDA did a good job as host for the conference series; the next ALC will be hosted by Ethiopia in Year 2019. Hope to see you there.
[1] Book reviews by Whitham Reeve (read it)
[2] Announcement on two Topical Issues of Advances in Space Research; from Sergio Dasso (read it)
[3] CALLISTO status report/newsletter #77 (read it)
[4] The First Callisto Station in Nepal, Suman Gautam, 29 Oct. 2018, Nepal (read it)
[5] Third Announcement - FReSWeD 2019 Towards Future Research on Space Weather Drivers
July 2-7, 2019, San Juan, Argentina
(read it)
[1] BOOK REVIEWS by Whitham D. Reeve of Anchorage, Alaska, USA.
This list was submitted to the ISWI Newsletter on 14 Oct. 2018
An Introduction to Space Weather, 2008 - M. Moldwin
Four Pillars of Radio Astronomy: Mills, Christiansen, Wild, Bracewell - R. Frater, W.M. Goss, H. Wendt
From the Sun: Auroras, Magnetic Storms, Solar Flares and Cosmic Rays, 1998
- Steven Suess and Bruce Tsurutani
Making Waves - The Story of Ruby Payne-Scott: Australian Pioneer Radio Astronomer, 2013 - W. Goss
Radio Astronomy at Long Wavelengths ~ Geophysical Monograph 119, 2000 -
Edited by R. Stone, K. Weiler, M. Goldstein,
J-L. Bougeret
Solar Storms ~ 2000 Years of Human Calamity! - Sten Odenwald
The Evolution of Radio Astronomy, 1973 - James S. Hey
The Sun, The Earth and Near Earth Space - A Guide to the Sun-Earth System, 2010 - John Eddy
Understanding Space Weather and the Physics Behind It, 2011 - Delores Knipp (future)
Very Low Frequency Space Radio Research at Stanford 1950 – 1990: Discovery, Innovation and Analysis,
Supported by Field Work Extending from Antarctica to Alaska, 2015 - Donald Carpenter
In case you are interested, this link will take you
to a webpage where all my book reviews are listed, 40+ and counting, all
related to radio astronomy including space weather and solar radio already
in your list: Astronomy Publications/Radio_Astronomy_Book_Reviews.htm
Send by Whitham D. Reeve
[2] Announcement on two Topical Issues of Advances in Space Research
Authors are invited to contribute manuscripts for two special issues (SI) of Advances in Space Research (ASR):
SI: "Recent results on solar and heliospheric phenomena affecting Earth"
(Guest Eds.: Cristina Mandrini & Hebe Cremades)
Article type: "Special Issue: SOL-HEL Phenomena - Earth"
SI: "Magnetosphere, ionosphere and their connection to Space Weather"
(Guest Eds.: Daniel Gomez & Sergio Dasso)
Article type: "Special Issue: Space weather connection"
Deadline for submission is March 31, 2019 and accepted articles will be published free of charge. Please note that these topical issues are not conference proceedings and are open to all scientists who may have an appropriate scientific paper related to the title of the issues. Attendees of the XI COLAGE meeting (held in Buenos Aires from 16 to 20 April 2018) are specially encouraged to submit their papers.
Papers must be submitted electronically to To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the appropriate SI, authors must select the corresponding SI as listed above when they reach the "Article Type" step in the submission process.
Submitted papers must be written in English and should include full affiliation addresses for all authors. Only full-length papers will be considered for publication, subject to peer review by two reviewers. Even though there is no page limit, the length of the paper should be appropriate the material being presented.
While not required, it would be helpful for planning purposes if authors who plan on submitting papers provide the appropriate guest editors (mandrini[at] or dgomez[at] with the following information as soon as or possible:
The general format for submission of papers is on the ASR Elsevier web site; format questions can be directed to the Editor-in-Chief of ASR, Peggy Ann Shea (sssrc[at]
Best regards,
Daniel Gómez
Send by Sergio Dasso
[3] CALLISTO status report/newsletter #77
New Callisto station in Udaipur, India operational
During a tour through Rajasthan we installed and configured a Callisto solar radio spectrometer at Udaipur Solar Observatory, a PRL facility.
Dr. Bhuwan Joshi and his PhDs/Postdocs are … …
See: Attached CALLISTO status report/newsletter (1 759KB, 9 pages) for the rest.
Send by Chr. Monstein
[4] The First Callisto Station in Nepal, Suman Gautam, 29 Oct. 2018, Nepal
See Attached pdf: 541KB, two pages)
Send by Suman Gautam
[5] Third Announcement - FReSWeD 2019 Towards Future Research on Space Weather Drivers
July 2-7, 2019, San Juan, Argentina
This meeting will promote the exchange of information in the area of space weather, from the point of view of the phenomena that drive it from its origin in the solar atmosphere, through its evolution in the interplanetary medium, to its arrival in geospace. The event will be accompanied by a school with a mix of introductory tutorials, demos and hands-on labs.
This meeting and associated school are being organized on the occasion of the total solar eclipse of 2019, whose totality path will cross five provinces of Argentina extending for more than 1200 km.
Early-bird registration and abstract submission are now open:
Partial financial support can be requested at:
Please note that the deadline for early-bird registration, partial financial support request, and abstract submission for those requesting support, is 18 January 2019.
Send by Laura A Balmaceda
(1) CALLISTO status report/newsletter #77 (1 759KB, 9 pages)
(2) The First Callisto Station in Nepal, Suman Gautam (541KB, two pages)
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