Dear ISWI Participant:
If you did a World Space Week event, please send in your reports. I can distribute.
[1] Space Weather Nigerian Communication Network Newsletter (SwNICONET) Vol. 2 Iss.6, Sep, 2020 (read it)
[2] Obituary of Joan Feynman (read it)
[3] CALLISTO status report/newsletter #88 (read it)
[4] African Workshop on GNSS and Space Weather (read it)
[1] Space Weather Nigerian Comm. Network Newsletter (SwNICONET) Vol. 2 Iss.6, Sep, 2020
This edition and the previous editions can be viewed via SwNICONET home page
Send by Bola R. Abdulrahim, (Ph.D)
The Editor, SW-NICONET
[2] Obituary of Joan Feynman
This is mentioned: "Most usefully for the Space Age, she found that coronal mass ejections could be detected by the presence of helium in the solar wind."
Published by The Economist Sep 19th 2020
[4] African Workshop on GNSS and Space Weather 5÷6 October 2020, Trieste, Italy
Please find below the link of the workshop programe, where in
few days also the presentations will be made available:
In this page (top left menu) you will find the information
about the workshop itself.
Today, October 13, 2020, all presentations have been published. (in PDF)
Send by Bruno Nava