ISWI Newsletter - Vol.6 No.022
23 February 2014

Dear ISWI Participant:

This newsletter has extensively covered this expert meeting that recently convened in Vienna. Here are the relevant back issues (all archived at the ISWI website, ):

Vol.5 No112 [1] "Expert Meeting on Improving Space Weather Forecasting in the Next Decade" from J; Davila (pdf)

Vol.5 No113 "Expert Meeting on Improving Space Weather Forecasting in the Next Decade" re-sent as plain text.

Vol.6 No15 "Expert Meeting on Improving Space Weather Forecasting in the Next Decade" - to be held at the United Nations Office at Vienna on the margins of the 51st Session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space

Vol.6 No19 PRESS RELEASE from the UN in Vienna : STSC Meeting of COPUOS of February 2014.

Vol.6 No21 [1] Recent Space Weather Expert Meeting in Vienna (web link for viewing all presentations)

As this meeting was conducted under the auspices of the United Nations, it is necessary to forward to the relevant UN bodies some summary report -- in the form of recommendations, conclusions, etc. For this meeting, a list of recommendations was generated by the meeting participants -- it is attached as a 3-page pdf.

Particulary relevant to ISWI are these two items (from the attached 3-page pdf):

Editor's note: The first item is continuation of an existing ISWI activity. The second item is a new project ... perhaps for ISWI ... to be decided by the relevant ISWI authorities.

Finally, as a participant of this meeting I took the liberty of taking many photographs. They are attached as the second pdf to this email. In my opinion, this was a truly outstanding and productive meeting. My hat is off to all the organizers of it. Well done!

Respectfully yours,
George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter


(1) "Expert Meeting on Improving Space Weather Forecasting in the Next Decade" Meeting Summary, 637 KB PDF, 3 pages, (click link to document)

(2) Random photos from "Expert Meeting on Improving Space Weather Forecasting in the Next Decade" 3 330 KB pdf, 15 pages, 133 photos, (click link to document)

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ICSWSE, Kyushu University, Hakozaki Campus, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, Japan.