This newsletter now has 432 subscribers (world wide). At the end of each newsletter I provide the subscription method (it is one line) so please forward this newsletter to anyone you think who might be interested in subscribing to it. More subscribers will result in more "contributed material", and so over the long run this newsletter becomes more useful to all parties concerned. Thanks to all who contributed to this issue!! Editor.
[1] Geospace Revisited: a Cluster/MAARBLE/Van Allen Probes Conference. (read it)
[2] Upcoming meetings related to VarSITI (a SCOSTEP program). (read it)
[3] IGRGEA Letter, Number 52, May 2014; from France (read it)
[4] "Raising and maintaining awareness of our local space weather: education and public outreach" -- presented by UNOOSA at recent EGU (read it)
[5] "African School on Space Science: Related Applications and Awareness for sustainable development of the region", in Rwanda this summer. (read it)
[6] "The Space Weather Innovation Competition 2013" in Malaysia. (read it)
Attachments (find it)
[1] Geospace Revisited: a Cluster/MAARBLE/Van Allen Probes Conference
Rhodes (Greece), 15-20 September 2014
Conference website:
This conference aims at revisiting long-standing issues of geospace dynamic
phenomena. New data from space missions like Cluster, THEMIS and the more
recent Van Allen Probes, along with measurements from ground-based
magnetometer arrays around the globe, processed with new methods and combined
with theory and simulations are expected to shed light on the complex
interplay of particles, fields and waves in geospace, and in particular the
inner magnetosphere (radiation belts and ring current). Geospace Revisited
will be held at the Rodos Palace Hotel ( on 15-20
September 2014. More details in this attached pdf
(Sent in by Ioannis A. Daglis.)
[3] The most recent issue of the IGRGEA newsletter:
. International Geophysical Research Group/Europe-Africa
. International Geophysical Research Group/Europe-Asia
Please see this pdf: Please see this pdf:
(Sent in by Christine Amory.)
[4] At the recent European Geoscience Union General Assembly held in Vienna, Austria from 27 April to 2 May 2014 UNOOSA was invited to make a presentation on the Basic Space Science Initiative (BSSI) in session ST6.1/EOS16/NH9.14/PS5.6, "Raising and maintaining awareness of our local space weather: education and public outreach".
This presentation is
attached as pdf .
(Sent in by Werner Balogh.)
[5] The Office for Outer Space Affairs, as the Executive Secretariat of the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG), together with the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, Italy), the Institute of Scientific Research of Boston College (B.C., USA) and the University of Rwanda (UR) will jointly organize and support "African School on Space Science: Related Applications and Awareness for sustainable development of the region" to be held in Kigali, Rwanda, from 30 June to 11 July 2014.
The course will count on prestigious lecturers to be provided by expert space scientists and will cover topics relative to the physical phenomena of the solar-magnetospherespheric coupling that give rise to Space Weather and its impact on the near-Earth space environment and the technology driven activities.
Please note that the detailed information is available here
(Sent in by Sharafat Gadimova.)
[6] "The Space Weather Innovation Competition 2013" was held from May-September 2013 in Malaysia under the 2013 National Innovation Movement Program. This competition was organized by the National Space Agency (ANGKASA) and UKM through Institute of Space Science with the collaboration of the Ministry of Education (MoE). The aim of the competition was to promote awareness and better understanding of space weather among high school students in Malaysia, in addition to cultivating students' interest in research through the usage of the SuperSID ionospheric monitor.
For full report please see this pdf: .
(Sent in by Mardina Abdullah.)
(1) Third Announcement and Call for Papers Geospace Revisited: a Cluster / MAARBLE / Van Allen Probes Conference Rhodes (Greece), 15-20 September 2014 )
(2) list of Upcoming meetings related to VarSITI a SCOSTEP program )
(3) IGRGEA LETTER N052 May 2014 )
(4) Hans Haubold and Werner Balogh The United Nations Basic Space Science Initiative EGU General Assembly 2014, ST6.1/EOS16/NH9.14/PS5.6: Raising and maintaining awareness of our local space weather: education and public outreach )
(5) Mardina Abdullah, Alina Marie Hasbi and Badariah Bais Space Weather Innovation Competition Full Report )