ISWI Newsletter - Vol.6 No.044
15 October 2014

Dear ISWI Participant:

Applications for "2015 UN/Japan Workshop on Space Weather" are now being accepted at its website of:
(Accepted until the end of November, 2014.)

Travel support is being provided by the UN on a merit-basis for applications from researchers in developing nations. See the website for further details (or click here).

George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter


[1] A rare glimpse into the solar core - Physics Today. (read it)

[2] Photo of our Sun as a Halloween Greeting from space. (read it)

[3] IGRGEA LETTER No. 53 OCTOBER 2014. (read it)

[4] GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) Annual Report, call for Canadian input. (read it)

[1] Researchers have detected elusive neutrinos emitted during the first in a chain of reactions that generates more than 99% of the Sun's energy. Ashley G. Smart September, 2014.

Link to Physics Today page.

For Screen shot please see the first attached file

(Sent in by G. Maeda)

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[2] An interesting photo of the Sun
On October 8, 2014 active regions on the sun gave it the appearance of a jack-o'-lantern. This image is a blend of 171 and 193 angstrom light as captured by the Solar Dynamics Observatory

(Sent in by H. Matsushita)

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This is the English version. If you would like the French version of it, please contact its editor, Christine Amory, who is based in Paris.

For the text please see the third attached file

(Sent in by C. Amory)

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[4] To the space science community: Robert Rankin at the University of Alberta is the Canadian representative for the NSF GEM program. He is drafting a summary of Canadian programmatic activities over the past year for inclusion in the GEM annual report. If you would like to provide input to Robert directly, please send it to his

email address rrankin[at] or to Department of Physics,
University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada T6G 2G7
Telephone: 780-492-5082
Fax: 780-492-0714

Input must be received by October 24th, 2014.

(Sent in by Canadian Space Agency.)

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**************[ End of this issue of the ISWI Newsletter ]******************

(1) Screen shot of Physics Today web page 500 KB pdf, one page, (click link to document)

(2) An interesting photo of the Sun 62 KB pdf, one page, (click link to document)

(3) IGRGEA LETTER No. 53 October 2014 726 KB pdf, 4 pages, (click link to document)

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