1. Celebrating 10 Years of International Living with a Star (ILWS) (look here)
2. The UN Braces for Stormy Space Weather (look V.5 No.31)
3. 50th Session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space Vienna, Austria, 11-22 February 2013 (look V.5 No.5)
Just this moment I received the attached which actually means that COSPAR published all three reports on ILWS/ISWI as things developed during the 2013 session of STSC of UNCOPUOS. Unfortunately all three reports are attached to my name. Actually great thanks to NASA as they were the most active supporter of ILWS/ISWI. We are grateful to NASA and COSPAR for their support and cooperation!
It came with the following note from Hans:
(1) Hans Haubold Space Research Today Vol.186, pp.49-54)
If you want to read the original newsletter, click here.